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AWO Int. оголошує збір цінових пропозицій на проведення аналітичного дослідження з соціально-економічного обґрунтування проєкту

Terms of Reference/Request for quotations
Consultancy for Feasibility Study of PT-funded Project in Ukraine

Project Title: “Strengthening the social cohesion, economic and psychological resilience of internally displaced persons, returnees, women and girls.”    
2024-09-03 ToR Feasibility Study Ukraine   
AWO International from Germany is the Workers’ Welfare (Arbeiterwohlfahrt) Association for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Action. The overall goal of AWO International’s work is to contribute to the improvement of peoples’ living conditions in a sustainable manner and to enhance their own initiative.
The aim of feasibility studies is to provide AWO International with a solid basis for enhancing the project concept by clarifying requirements, opportunities and risks, and offering guidance on optimising the concept, where necessary.
In particular, this involves an assessment of the feasibility of a project and a systematic review of the extent to which the project approach can plausibly achieve the planned improvements under the existing prevailing circumstances. The joint learning from the insights gained increases the effectiveness of projects and enables poor investments to be avoided at an early stage.
The objectives of the feasibility study are as follows:
An assessment of the project context (macro-, meso-, and micro level) including existing organizational structures (institutions, networks, etc.) in view of the key challenges the project seeks to address;
An assessment of the likelihood to achieve the planned results with the proposed strategy, outputs and partner capacity;
Recommendations for the further development and adjustments of the proposed project with due attention to:
all aspects of the project concept including the results, targets and qualitative and quantitative indicators (base- and endline), the target groups, stakeholders and other actors, and measures and activities to implement;
an adequate monitoring and progress review; and
opportunities, synergies and risks.
The main users of the results of the study are AWO International for the formulation and implementation of a realistic, efficient, impactful, feminist and risk aware project. Meanwhile for BENGO / BMZ, the study will help facilitate transparent accounting for change value for money on investment.
Please find ToR in the attached file.
Interested persons/firms shall send their technical and financial proposal (indicating the full gross amount of their compatible consultancy fee in EUR as a lump sum figure covering a) fees (provide break down of daily rate per consultant), b) travel expenditures for the field visits and c) other costs, only if reasonably justified), to [email protected]
The technical proposal may not exceed four pages (Arial, 10) and must cover the methodological proposal and clear descriptions of (1) technical, methodological, organizational and other capacities of relevance; (2) composition of the expert team including description and division of roles and tasks for all team members; (3) statement of independence for all consultants and (4) a statement of independency of the feasibility study team. The curriculum vitae shall be annexed.
Submission to AWO International until 22nd September 2024 COB to [email protected]
Proposals will be assessed taking into account the technical expertise, working experience of the team conducting the study and financial offer.
AWO International encourages female consultants, female headed firms and members of marginalised communities to apply, because AWO International supports a working environment of diversity based on justice and mutual respect.

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