Call for Рroposals Implementation of Adult Education Survey (AES) in Ukraine 2021-2022


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Call for Рroposals Implementation of Adult Education Survey (AES) in Ukraine 2021-2022


DVV International is the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband, DVV). It works worldwide to promote and support adult learning and education (ALE) as a key to development and poverty reduction. Building on DVV`s knowledge and experience as a national association of around 900 community adult education centres (Volkshochschule, Folk High School), DVV International seeks to develop and share best practice in the field of ALE.

The project approach of DVV International targets improved conditions in policy, legislation and financing (macro level) as well as professionalisation in practice and theory of ALE (meso level) and requires cooperation both with government institutions such as ministries as well as with universities, other educational organisations, and civil society organisations (CSOs). By supporting our partners (local ALE providers), in developing and piloting exemplary concrete learning opportunities especially for disadvantaged population groups (micro level) we create best practice and evidence of the benefit of ALE.

Since 2010 DVV International works in Ukraine through its representative office in Kyiv.


In their efforts to lobby and advocate for ALE in Ukraine representatives of local and international CSOs usually have no other choice than to use examples and problem analyses from other countries. The reason for this is the lack of national data on participation and non-participation of adults in ALE in the country. For this reason, it is hardly possible to develop policy recommendations based on facts (evidence-based policy).

To meet this challenge and to contribute to the professionalization of policy dialogue in relation to ALE, DVV International has initiated a Survey on participation in ALE in Ukraine. The idea is to conduct a survey and to produce a quantitative report using the methodology of the European Adult Education Survey.

The European Adult Education Survey (AES) covers adults’ participation in education and training (formal, non-formal and informal learning) and is one of the main data sources for EU lifelong learning statistics. European Adult Education Surveys were carried out in 2007, 2011 and 2016 and results are published in Eurostat’s online database. The next AES is planned for 2022.

In previous surveys (2007, 2011, 2016) it covered the resident population aged 25-64. In the envisaged data collection of 2022, the coverage is extended to individuals living in private households and aged 18 to 69 years. The reference period for the participation in education and training is the twelve months prior to the interview.

The following information is available from the AES:

  • Participation in formal education, non-formal education and training and informal learning
  • Characteristics of the learning activities
  • Volume of instruction hours
  • Reasons for and obstacles to participating
  • Access to information on learning possibilities
  • Employer financing and costs of learning
  • Self-reported language skills

Stages of the Survey-project

  • Call for proposals and selection of a sociological research institution
  • Translation and adaptation of the AES standard questionnaire
  • Sample design according to AES standards
  • Pretesting of the questionnaire
  • Evaluation of the testing/pilot phase, report, if necessary, modification of the questionnaire
  • Conception of final report
  • Data collection
  • Data preparation and weighting
  • Data analysis
  • Compilation of result tables
  • Focus group workshops to discuss the interpretation of results with participation of international experts
  • Producing of the report
  • Presentation of the results of the study (to ministries, ALE providers, CSOs, business sector and other relevant stakeholders)

Tasks for sociological research institution

  1. To implement Adult Education Survey in Ukraine according to 2022 AES manual – Methodological guidelines for the adult education survey (Version 1.1, 18 August 2021) and REGULATION (EU) 2019/1700 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 10 October 2019 establishing a common framework for European statistics relating to persons and households, based on data at individual level collected from samples
  2. To develop a sample design for representative study in Ukraine according to the AES requirements; the proposed sample design should be agreed and accepted by DVV International before sampling for the AES is done
  3. To translate and adapt the AES standard questionnaire
    1. To translate the AES standard questionnaire in Ukrainian and probably in Russian
    2. To adapt the translated questionnaire to the local context
    3. To conduct pretesting/pilot phase of the questionnaire, to prepare a pre-test report
    4. To modify the questionnaire according to the results of the pretesting phase
  4. To prepare and conduct an interviewer training
    1. To prepare training materials for the interviewer training (questionnaire, answer cards, dictionary for the main types of formal and non-formal education and training activities based on CLA (Classification of Learning activities), the methodology including instructions and guidelines
    2. To organise an intensive training session, combining methodological explanations with practical exercises in the use of CAPI applications and tests of the questionnaire
  5. To prepare and to test data entry programme
  6. To collect data by computer assisted methods. A computer assisted personal (face-to-face) interview is strongly preferable
  7. To provide coding and editing data; database creation, validity checks
  8. To provide postsurvey adjustments, validity, consistency and representativity checks, weighting procedures
  9. To prepare a quality report (realization of the sample, unit and item nonresponse, coding)
  10. To provide datafile in SPSS, Stata or compatible format
  11. To make descriptive analyses of data, compilation of result tables
  12. To present the results of the Study


  • Adapted questionnaire in national language(s)
  • Inception report with methodology and detailed technical description of sampling plan
  • Pre-test report
  • Interviewer`s guidelines, manual
  • Interviewers trained
  • Pilot phase evaluation workshop
  • Sample / database
  • Collected data
  • Agreement on data weighting
  • Data analysis
  • Quality report
  • Presentation of the results of the study

Indicative timetable

 Timetable is indicative and time intervals for some stages could be slightly shifted.

Selection criteria

  • Company’s extensive experience in similar surveys
    • Experience in nationwide representative household surveys in Ukraine
  • Availability of an experienced Team of experts able to implement nationwide representative survey according to the above requirements
  • Ability to communicate and produce report in English
  • Cost-effective budget

Information support

All interested organisations are invited to join the online information session with international experts to answer all potential questions on this Survey-Project on 27 September 2021, 13.00-16.30 (Kyiv time). The working language is English.The registration form is here, it will be open untill 26 September 2021. The invitation link will be sent after the registration via e-mail.  

Interested tender applicants may submit questions concerning this Call via email to Ms. Yana Dragovenko [email protected] and Ms. Olena Panych  [email protected]  before 4 October 2021.


All interested organisations should submit their proposals consisting of the following documents:  

  • CVs of project team /senior expert(s), experts, etc./
  • portfolio with description of relevant experience of company
  • proposed methodology for sampling and data collection
  • timetable
  • description of quality mechanisms
  • financial offer

Proposals should be sent by 11 October 2021 to Ms. Yana Dragovenko [email protected]

All proposals should be submitted in English.

Right of use

DVV International will have the exclusive and unlimited right to use the results of the Survey-project. The transfer of this right of use is complete with the payment made to the Contractor. The Contractor has right of use permission strictly limited for personal non-commercial purposes. Transfer of the right of use to third parties is excluded.


  1. REGULATION (EU) 2019/1700 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 10 October 2019 establishing a common framework for European statistics relating to persons and households, based on data at individual level collected from samples. As known as integrated European social statistics framework regulation – IESS.
  2. 2022 AES manual – Methodological guidelines for the adult education survey (Version 1.1, 18 August 2021)
  1. 2022 AES QUESTIONNAIRE V1.0.pdf
  2. Classification of learning activities (CLA), manual, 2016

All documents mentioned above are downloaded to this folder.


A similar call was launched in the Republic of Moldova. Proposals from potential tenderers, which operate in both countries and are interested to participate, are especially welcome.

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