Extended! Подовжено! CRDF Global is seeking a contractor for Digital Assistance and Coоrdination Platform development. Local contractor (Ukraine). RFP-32-UA-2023


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Extended! Подовжено! CRDF Global is seeking a contractor for Digital Assistance and Coоrdination Platform development. Local contractor (Ukraine). RFP-32-UA-2023



CRDF Global is seeking a contractor for Digital Assistance and Coordination Platform development. Lоcal contractor (Ukraine)

This information serves for announcement purposes only.

Interested candidates must request the Request for Proposal (RFP) document with the detailed requirements from Oleksiy Fomin <[email protected]>.   

Please indicate the RFP number in the “subject” line of your request: #RFP-32-UA-2023

Proposal submission deadline: January 29, 2024 (6:00 PM, Kyiv)


CRDF Global runs a vast portfolio of projects on various areas and topics of cyber security in a collaborative setting of government bodies, academic institutions, public and private sector stakeholders. CRDF Global aims to develop and deliver a web platform for government facilities to manage and coordinate equipment and material needs efficiently to enhance cyber resilience in Ukraine. The platform should facilitate expert evaluation, monitoring of data status, and efficient distribution among recipients.

CRDF Global is seeking an experienced contractor to submit proposals for developing a centralized platform. The selected contractor will be responsible for the supply, implementation, and technical support of the Platform. The selected contractor will deliver that aligned with CRDF Global project goals and objectives and customers’ specific requirements.

CRDF Global will select the contractor that offers the best value, considering both overall price and experience. The contractor should demonstrate proven expertise in developing online platforms, focusing on robust cybersecurity protocols, and aligning with the provided technical task.


The initiative is part of CRDF Global’s commitment to bolstering cyber resilience in Ukraine. The Platform, hereafter referred to as “Platform,” is envisioned to be a centralized hub facilitating the coordination of digital assistance for state institutions. The goal is to enhance sustainability in state public services through streamlined communication between Recipients and Donors. The Platform aims to automate processes related to preparing, registering, publishing, and implementing projects involving external financing for cyber resilience. The main goal of the selected contractor will be to develop a high-quality web platform that will focus on cyber resilience needs in Ukraine, and its primary function will be to centralize information on equipment and material needs, automate data verification, and facilitate coordination with donors.

The interface shall be in Ukrainian and English, allowing for further expansion to other languages, adapted for PC, tablet and smartphone (mobile version), adapted for browsers MS Edge, Safari, Mozilla, Google Chrome. The website should allow adding and managing its content by administrator. Website should be developed using the up-to-date tools, designed accordingly to its topic and purpose. The contractor should ensure that all design and development activities are closely coordinated with CRDF Global’s responsible staff and all other stakeholders. The Contractor is expected to provide domain registration, hosting, management, and technical support services of the platform to beneficiary government entity.


  1. Centralized Coordination:
  • Develop a robust and secure platform that serves as a central point for communication between Recipients and Donors.
  1. Automation of Processes:
  • Automate the processes related to project preparation, registration, publication, and implementation, optimizing the utilization of external financing.
  1. Unification of Project Formats:
  • Implement a configurator based on built-in templates to standardize the format of project preparation.
  1. Information Standardization:
  • Establish a classification and coding component supporting the accumulation and saving of information, ensuring minimal memory consumption and maximum speed.
  1. Security and Access Control:
  • Implement stringent security measures to safeguard data integrity, including role-based access control, access logs, and change logs.
  1. User-Friendly Interface:
  • Develop an ergonomic web interface that ensures ease of use and adaptability across devices and minimizes user actions.
  1. Reliability and Redundancy:
  • Ensure the platform’s reliability, even during component failures, through redundancy mechanisms and minimal administrator intervention.


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