CRDF Glоbal (Ukraine Office) is sеeking the contractors: Legal Subject Matter Experts


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CRDF Glоbal (Ukraine Office) is sеeking the contractors: Legal Subject Matter Experts

CRDF Global is sеeking a Contractor (not an employee) to adapt the Concept of Operations (CONOPs) to Ukrainian legislation for establishing an integrated Cybersecurity Training and Practical Exercise Facility (Cyber Range). The Cyber Range will be delivered to the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine (NSDC)/National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity (NCSCC) for strengthening cyber defence capacity in the public sector, objects of critical infrastructure, and provide an educational and training platform for students enrolled in cybersecurity courses and cybersecurity specialists from the public sector and objects of critical infrastructure. The project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Department of State.

Scope & Tasks:

The selected Contractor would be expected to provide contracted services such as, but not limited to:

Analysis of the current legislation of Ukraine in the field of cyber security for the possibility of implementing the activities provided for in the Concept of Operations (CONOPs).

  • Analysis of compliance of the Concept of Operations (CONOPs) with the provisions of the Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine.
  • Determination of legislative requirements necessary for implementation of the Concept of Operations (CONOPs).
  • Adaptation of the Concept of Operations (CONOPs) to the provisions of the legislation of Ukraine.
  • Development of legal justification for the Concept of Operations (CONOPs) implementation plan.
  • Determination of scope of Stakeholders and development of legal justification for their involvement in the activities provided for in the Concept of Operations (CONOPs).
  • Development of regulations on Cybersecurity Training and Practical Exercise Facility (Cyber Range) taking into account the requirements of the legislation.
  • Participation in work events dedicated to the implementation of the Concept of Operations (CONOPs).
  • Consultations with interested parties, assistance in the development of internal documentation necessary for participation in the activities provided for in the Concept of Operations (CONOPs).

 Interested candidates must request the Request For Proposal (RFP) document with the detailed requirements from CRDF Global Procurement Specialist,  Oleksiy Fomin <[email protected]>.   

Please indicate the RFP number in your request: #RFP-29-UA-2022

Proposal submission deadline: December 30, 2022 (6:00 PM, Kyiv)

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