DVV International шукає експерта або групу експертів для розробки дослідження «Внесок навчання та освіти дорослих у досягнення цілей сталого розвитку: аналіз найкращих практик»


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Call for experts DVV International
DVV International шукає експерта або групу експертів для розробки дослідження «Внесок навчання та освіти дорослих у досягнення цілей сталого розвитку: аналіз найкращих практик»

Title: Elaboration of the study on the “Contribution of Adult Learning and Education to Sustainable Development Goals: analysing good practice cases”

Countries: Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Moldova, Ukraine.

Overall timeframe: April – November 2023


DVV International is the Institute for International Cooperation of the Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e.V. (DVV), the German Adult Education Association. DVV represents the interests of the approximately 900 adult education centres (Volkshochschulen – VHS) and their state associations, the largest further education providers in Germany.

As the leading professional organisation in the field of adult learning and education (ALE) and development cooperation, DVV International has committed itself to promote the right for lifelong learning worldwide and has been implementing country programmes of development cooperation in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe for more than 50 years. DVV International strengthens national ALE-systems in partner countries and provides support for the establishment and development of sustainable structures for youth and adult education.

DVV International finances its work through funds from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Federal Foreign Office, the European Union, etc.

In concert with national, regional and global adult education associations, DVV International promotes lobby work and advocacy for the human right to education and for lifelong learning. To achieve this, our particular focus lies on contributions of Adult Learning and Education to the Agenda 2030, its SDGs and ongoing policy and advocacy processes.

In 2022 at the Regional office “Eastern Neighbours” of DVV International a regional project had started, covering six countries in Europe: Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo, Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine. Its main objective is to improve policy frameworks for Adult Learning and Education (ALE) and to strengthen ALE-centres’ contribution to the implementation of SDGs based on best national and regional practices, experience as good international expertise.


  • The United Nations in the year 2015 agreed on the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be reached until the year 2030. The Agenda 2030 contains 17 goals with various targets. See: https://sdgs.un.org/goals
  • Education is covered in Goal 4 that is substantiated in the Global Education 2030 Agenda, the Incheon Declaration and the corresponding Framework for Action (FFA). See: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002456/245656E.pdf
  • Goal 4 on Education reads “Towards inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning for all”. Compared to the former Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), where the focus was limited to universal primary education, the SDGs and Goal 4 follow a much more holistic education understanding and provide more room for (non-formal) adult learning and education (ALE). ALE is to be understood according to the definition and reference documents of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). See: …
  • Though ALE is not explicitly named in the targets of Goal 4 it is an integral part and indispensable to reach key targets of Goal 4 (especially 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7). See, among others, “Unpacking SDG 4”, under: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002463/ 246300E.pdf

One of the key messages from GRALE 4 and GRALE 5 is that ALE has a strong and measurable positive impact on learners’ life chances in terms of health, well-being and employment. See: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000381666 The education community is advocating the importance of education as key goal to achieve all goals of the Agenda 2030 (“education is important across the board”; “education as cross-cutting issue”, “education as key and pre-condition for development”). Current and future policy debates are keen to provide more evidence on interlinkages between education and other goals of the Agenda 2030, especially to emphasize the interlinkages between SDG 4 (quality education), SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), SDG 10 (reduced inequalities). https://sdgs.un.org/goals.


The study should provide evidence on the role and contributions of good examples of ALE for reaching the SDGs and how ALE makes a difference in the lives of community members. This should be achieved through an in-depths analysis of the role of ALE in SDG 4 and the overall Agenda 2030, with the main focus being good practice examples from project experiences of DVV International country programmes in Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia and Kosovo (reference should be made to at least two good practical examples from each country).

As such, it should be used as an advocacy instrument in the framework of the upcoming events and lobbying efforts DVV International country offices and its advocacy partners and stakeholders in the region towards the decision-makers of local and national levels.


The following deliverables must be provided:

  1. Inception Report: The expert / team of experts will present a report giving detailed information about methods; all data collection tools need to be presented beforehand. This report will be presented to DVV International; DVV International will provide feedback in due time and may request amendments. The Inception Report needs to be approved by DVV International before the data collection commences.
  2. Power point presentation with key findings and selected good practices.
  3. Analytical report consisting of an Executive summary, a collection of good practice examples from six countries of the regional project (at least two per country) on ALE’s contribution to achieving:
  • SDG 4: Quality education;
  • SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth;
  • SDG 10: Reduced inequalities.

The document should be prepared single-spaced, using Microsoft Word including tables, graphs, images and photos, with a maximum of 80 pages (detailed formatting guide and main chapter headings should be provided within the proposal and discussed upon contracting), excluding an executive summary, annexes and references. The report should be complemented by an Executive summary with key findings and conclusions of maximum 5 pages.

 All results must be elaborated and presented in English.


Interested experts/expert team are requested to propose their own methodology based on the objectives under the present terms of refence. DVV International will assist in gaining relevant documentation, publications and contact details of partners as well as in establishing contacts with relevant stakeholders in the countries of the regional project.

 Support of country offices’ staff can be provided if deemed necessary (e.g. facilitation/interpretation during focus groups or interviews).

Tasks and timetable

  • Contracting April 2023
  • Kick-off Meeting: Enrolling into assignment and discussing main chapter headings, methodology and stages of the process with the Regional project team after contracting in May.
  • Inception Report and Inception Meeting: Drafting of Inception report detailing the methodological approach and Inception Meeting with the Regional project team by the end of June.
  • Data Collection: Data collection, analysis and production of analytical report between May (after approval of Inception report) and end August 2023.
  • Online Debriefing: Presentation of key findings, executive summary and first draft of the publication by the beginning of September 2023.
  • Feedback by the end of October 2023
  • Finalisation and submission of the report (based on the feedback received from DVV International) by the end of November 2023.

The assignment is foreseen to be conducted within the period between April and November 2023.

Right of use

The Principal has the exclusive and unlimited right to use the results fulfilled by the contract. The transfer of this Right of Use is complete with the payment made to the Contractor.

The Contractor has Right of Use permission strictly limited for personal non-commercial purposes. Transfer of the Right of Use to third parties is excluded.

Contractual Conditions

The legal basis for this contract is provided by the „General terms and conditions for the implementation of Services” (VOL/B). These general terms and conditions are not attached to this contract; however, an exemplary service contract is part of these Terms of Reference for perusal.

Application Procedure

Deadline for applications is April 24, 2023.

The application package should include the following:

  • Proposal of methodology and tools for collecting data, analysing, structuring, and documenting successful practices.
  • Detailed description of experience, including previous similar studies / analytical reports composed and CVs of the editorial team members to be assigned.
  • Cover letter outlining your motivation to participate at the tender.
  • Financial proposal, considering the overall budget of maximum of 8.000, – EUR.

Interested applicants send their application package in electronic form in English language to:

Contact persons:

DVV International Regional Office “Eastern Neighbours”


Levan Kvatchadze,

Regional Director

[email protected]

Ravshan Baratov,

Head of the Regional project

[email protected]

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