Гранти/ Grant to Support Development of an Online Marketplace for Ukrainian Furniture Manufacturers


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Гранти/ Grant to Support Development of an Online Marketplace for Ukrainian Furniture Manufacturers

USAID Competitive Economy Program (CEP) 

Request for Applications (RFA)-2021-025 

Issue Date: July 22, 2021 

Applications Due: August 17, 2021 

Dear Applicants,

The USAID Competitive Economy Program (CEP), implemented by Chemonics International, is seeking applications from furniture retailers, online marketplace operators, industry associations and other furniture sector stakeholders (existing marketplace operators or organizations looking to develop a new marketplace) to support the development of an online marketplace for Ukrainian furniture manufacturers in the B2B market segment. The main objective is to increase furniture sales by Ukrainian SMEs using a new sales channel.

The USAID Competitive Economy Program (CEP) is a 5-year project financed by USAID and implemented by Chemonics International. The purpose of CEP is to encourage start-up businesses and SMEs, increase domestic market competition, and support the competitiveness of Ukrainian firms in international markets. To achieve this purpose, CEP is comprised of activity areas that:

  • Improve the business climate, including working with associations and other organizations to advance the business climate reform agenda;
  • Assist emerging industries and SMEs to develop and compete domestically and in markets abroad; and
  • Facilitate open and efficient trade.

The full description of this RFA is available following this link here.

The application process will consist of three phases:

  1. Concept phase
  2. Co-Creation Workshop
  3. Full application and budget submission

The objective of the co-creation workshop is to enable CEP and partner organizations (often multiple parties or stakeholders) to co-create a solution and implement a project or activity based on mutually agreed objectives that contribute to the overall objectives of this RFA.

Full application materials will be reviewed by a selection committee.

Please note that CEP anticipates awarding one grant of no more than UAH 1,700,000 to complete the activities and objectives mentioned in the RFA.

The grant(s) will be awarded and implemented in accordance with USAID and U.S. Government regulations governing grants under contracts and CEP’s internal grant management policies.

CEP and Chemonics employees may not ask for, and applicants are prohibited from offering, any money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, the thing of value, or compensation to obtain or reward improper favorable treatment regarding this solicitation. Any improper request from a project employee should be reported to the chief of party or [email protected].

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