Конкурс: Call for Applications for LEADx 2023, Tbilisi


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Конкурс: Call for Applications for LEADx 2023, Tbilisi

The Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) is pleased to announce the Call for Applications for LEADx 2023.

LEADx Change is an international leadership education and networking platform for emerging, mid-career, and senior leaders. Established in 2019 to respond to growing uncertainties in Europe, LEADx is committed to strengthening leadership, strategic communications, negotiation, and decision-making skills for aspiring leaders from academia, civil society, government, media and business sectors.

Initiated under the regional programme Amplify, Verify, Engage implemented by IWPR with the funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, LEADx applies the best academic practices of its key founding partner, The Fletcher School, Tufts University.

Our faculty, mentors, and speakers came from the world’s best educational, media, business, and think-tank institutions. You can view detailed information on this year’s faculty leaders by visiting the 2023 Speakers and Mentors webpage.

After two years of virtual operations, LEADx 2023 will be in-person on June 19-23 in Tbilisi, Georgia. Here you can learn more about this year’s edition LEADx 2023.

Application requirements: 

Who is eligible

We invite senior executives, law- and policy makers, journalists, civil activists, entrepreneurs, diplomats, and technologists from Central and Eastern Europe. We will also consider a limited number of exceptional candidates from wider Europe and the United States.


Selected candidates will receive scholarships that cover the program, meals, and accommodation, with only transportation to and from Tbilisi to be covered by the participants. 


IWPR will offer travel funding to five admitted candidates from Ukraine. Other participants from Georgia and other participating countries are expected to cover their own transportation.    

New Deadline: June 1, 2023, 18:00 CET. 


Should you have any practical questions about participation, our FAQ page will inform you further. 

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