Конкурс для експертів: Проект «Розширення можливостей громадянського суспільства в Україні: підвищення організаційної спроможності та навичок адвокації»


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Конкурс для експертів: Проект «Розширення можливостей громадянського суспільства в Україні: підвищення організаційної спроможності та навичок адвокації»

Call for Experts: “Empowering Civil Society in Ukraine: Enhancing Organizational Capacities and Advocacy Skills” Project

The International Youth Public Organization “ILYSA” is announcing a call for experts to participate in a project aimed at strengthening the capacity and advocacy skills of Ukrainian civil society organizations in the post-war period.

We are seeking experienced professionals in the following areas:

  1. Strategic Planning and Project Management: Conducting training on long-term planning and effective project execution to align projects with organizational goals.
  2. Fundraising, Visibility, and Communication: Providing guidance on securing funds, increasing visibility, and improving communication to strengthen donor and community relationships.
  3. Advocacy: Training on policy analysis and engagement strategies to empower CSOs in policy advocacy.
  4. Networking and Partnerships: Developing strategies for building robust networks and forming strategic partnerships to enhance organizational impact and sustainability.
  5. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E): Developing frameworks and tools for assessing the impact and effectiveness of CSO activities, ensuring progress tracking and strategic adaptation.

Selected experts will become part of a specialized team that will deliver a comprehensive capacity-building program for Ukrainian CSOs, significantly enhancing their capabilities, effectiveness, and sustainability in the challenging post-war context.

Please note that while the training sessions will be conducted in Ukrainian to ensure maximum accessibility and engagement for local CSOs, all reporting and communication with the project management team will be in English.

If you possess relevant experience, skills, and a commitment to civil society development in Ukraine, please upload to https://forms.gle/b7EXcxcHrV7fQbf27 by June 1, 2024.

Join our team to contribute to the strengthening of Ukrainian civil society during this critical period!

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