Конкурс для участі в спільній програмі візиту Німецьких та Європейських НУО в Україну


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Olya Gvozdyova

Конкурс для участі в спільній програмі візиту Німецьких та Європейських НУО в Україну

З 29 жовтня по 3 листопада 2016 роки 25 представників НУО з Німеччини та інших європейських країн відвідають Київ. Ми пропонуємо активним представникам громадянського суспільства взяти участь в нашій повній програмі для побудови сталої співпраці. Ознайомтеся з детальним описом англійською:

On 29 October to 3 November 2016 25 NGO representatives from Germany and other European countries (members of European movement)  will visit Kyiv.

The aims of the project are:

• to improve the knowledge about and the understanding of the current situation in Ukraine within the European Movement

• to create and intensify relations between the European Movement and Ukrainian NGOs and to improve perspectives for enhanced future cooperation

• to improve conditions for a European Movement Ukraine to be established and developed.

The programme includes four thematic parts to be addressed:

• Kyiv and the recent Ukrainian past (Euro-Maidan and revolution)

• The current political situation of Ukraine

• The role of civil society and public diplomacy

• Shaping a European future of Ukraine.

We arrange optional visits to various organisations and institutions in Kyiv. Many of them contribute to this project.

We invite Ukrainians to participate, who are active in projects/initiatives/organisations promoting European values such as democracy and the rule of law and/or actively involved in international activities.

We offer the opportunity to participate in our full programme and to get to know the participants of our delegation. We hope to learn even more about Ukraine and the state of development of civil society in Ukraine. Finally, we expect to develop networks which can result in future contacts and cooperation.

For people from other places than Kyiv, we finance the stay in Kyiv and 2/3 of the travel cost. The participation fee is 250 Grivna.

If you are interested, please send us application until 16th of October with:

·         Personal data (Name, first name, place and date of birth, email-address, mobile number);

·         Organisation to be represented (Name, address, website)

·         Responsibility in the organisation or project represented;

·         a short description of yourself and of your motivation to participate (approximately 750 characters)

·         a short description of the organisation in English language (approx. 1000 characters).

Address for applications: [email protected]

We will confirm your participation within days.

The project is being implemeneted by the association Citizens of Europe, which is member of the European Movement Germany.

For further questions please contact local coordinator: Olya Gvozdyova ([email protected], mobile: +38 095 4221961).

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