Міжнародна можливість для молоді! Реєстрація на Symposium on the Future of Youth Dialogues: Corona-Crisis, Shrinking Civic Spaces and the Search for Solutions


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Natalia Shevchuk

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Міжнародна можливість для молоді! Реєстрація на Symposium on the Future of Youth Dialogues: Corona-Crisis, Shrinking Civic Spaces and the Search for Solutions
Young people across Europe are engaged in civil society, activism and take part in political life. The Corona-crisis and shrinking civic space had a major impact on the lives of young activists and youth NGOs in particular within the Eastern Partnership region. 
Youth dialogues are a key solution and a mechanism for cultivating a culture of participation and consultations with young people, fostering meaningful engagement with real impact on further strategies and programs, which influence the lives of young people. We believe, that EaP Youth Dialogue should be developed based on meaningful youth participation in decision-making processes; ensuring representativity, inclusiveness, transparency, effectiveness and have a rights-based approach at heart. When setting the topic for the EaP Youth Dialogue cycle it should also be done through participatory mechanisms.
Therefore, we invite you to take part in Symposium on the Future of Youth Dialogues: Corona-Crisis, Shrinking Civic Spaces and the Search for Solutions and together find answers for the questions on what will be the future of youth dialogue, how national youth councils and youth NGOs across the region can be supported as indicators of quality changes and reforms. Open Eastern Partnership with us, get involved, and let’s shape Europe together!
The event will take place on the Zoom platform on the 15th of December 2020 from 16.00 to 19.00 CET. The Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants.
Registration is opened till 13th of December: https://forms.gle/zk69kcCEhJzJGisG8
The symposium is organized within the joint project “Strengthening young civil society and the culture of remembrance” implemented by the National Youth Council of Ukraine in cooperation with DBJR, BDKJ, and Obnova with the financial support of the German Foreign Ministry.

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