Міжнародна навчальна програма для вчительок та вчителів історії «Confronting Memories»‎


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Міжнародна навчальна програма для вчительок та вчителів історії «Confronting Memories»‎

Запрошуємо вчительок та вчителів історії з України на навчальну програму з розробки та тестування інтеративних підходів з навчання історії Другої Світової та її наслідків. Програма міжнародна, включатиме представниць та представників Німеччини, України, Білорусі, Польщі та Росії й передбачає англомовне спілкування. Під час семінарів передбачається переклад російською, але спілкування в малих групах з міжнародними командами потребує базових знань англійської мови для розуміння дискусії.

Далі опис програми англійською:

Training and Study Tour for History Teachers  from Belarus, Germany, Poland, Russia and Ukraine

Call for Applications:

The EU-Russia Civil Society Forum’s History Programme “Confronting Memories” and NGO “Insha Osvita” invite history teachers from Belarus, Germany, Poland, Russia and Ukraine to a series of trainings conducted by professional team and facilitators in history education. The participants will also be invited to a study tour to Krzyżowa, Poland which will offer a rich cultural exchange and a capacity building programme.  

We are looking for history teachers from Ukraine interested in working in an international teachers’ group. The aim is to work on the lesson materials about WWII applying a notion of multiperspectivity, i.e. showing multiple co-existing narratives. We encourage a “see, acknowledge and respect” principle in each other’s vision of history and hope to bring it into the classrooms in Belarus, Germany, Poland, Russia and Ukraine. Additionally, we will analyse the lesson materials created by the teachers from Belarus, Germany, Poland and Russia during the project in 2020.

Timeline 2021:

  • Four webinars/trainings + work on new lesson materials on the following days:
    • 23-24 April
    • 21-22 May
    • 2-3 July
    • 30-31 July
  • Workshop time: Fridays from 16:00 till 19:00; Saturdays from 10:00 till 12:30 GMT+2/Kyiv time
  • Study tour to Krzyżowa, Poland in mid-September (you will need an international passport that will be valid for at least until April 2022).
  • Finalising lesson materials, their promotion and application in the regions of respective countries from September till December

We provide: 

  • Webinars/training for history teachers led by a professional team 
  • Mentoring throughout all stages of the project
  • Travelling, accommodation, catering and visa to Krzyżowa, Poland
  • Multiperspective programme for teachers from Belarus, Germany, Poland, Russia and Ukraine
  • Visits to historic sites related to WWII, e.g. Gross-Rosen concentration camp.
  • International environment and exchange of multi-perspective didactics of history in various countries and contexts
  • Training certificates

We require:

  • CV (maximum: 2 pages) and registration by this link: https://inshaosvita.typeform.com/to/SNMUeTyD 
  • Good spoken English is welcomed but not mandatory
  • Help to promote the history lessons and teaching materials developed in this project in Ukraine 

What to do next:

About the organization hosting the online seminars: https://eu-russia-csf.org/ 

About the organization coordinating work in Ukraine: https://insha-osvita.org/ 

The EU-Russia Civil Society Forum (further CSF or Forum) was established in 2011 by non-governmental organisations as a permanent common platform. At the moment, 185 NGOs from Russia and the European Union are members or supporters of the Forum. It aims at development of cooperation of civil society organisations from Russia and EU and greater participation of NGOs in the EU-Russia dialogue. 

This project is supported by the German Foreign Office. 

NGO “Insha Osvita”

Questions and suggestions you can send to: [email protected]


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