Молодіжний обмін для активісток та активістів #film it up по створенню відео


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Tetiana Kriukovska

Молодіжний обмін для активісток та активістів #film it up по створенню відео

If you want to convince people to make the world a better place, you need meaningful tools:

Video is one.  We are looking for young activists from Germany and Ukraine who want to get trained to make meaningful short videos to promote their ideas. 

We are going to teach the basics of Video Production:

  • How to find and tell a good story? 

  • How to film the story using mobile equipment? 

  • How to edit a film on your computers?

  • How to get your point across in a video message?

We are also going to explore Kyiv with our cameras and meet interesting interview partners.

Requirements: you should be from Ukraine or from Germany, between 18 and 27 years old.

To apply please fill in the form

To have your own smartphone or camera is a plus, but not necessarily.

It does not influence the selection results.

Deadline: 30th of January 2019

When: May 6th – May 10th, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine

Costs for transportation: lodging and food are covered.

Language: English. 

Trainers: Linda Vierecke is a journalist from Germany, mostly working for Deutsche Welle. She is producing reports and documentaries about social-political issues around the world. She is also hosting a Social Media Video commentary format called “Echt?!”, commenting on current affairs. Tetiana Kriukovska is a filmmaker from Ukraine. Author and director of @ourhomefilm documentary video project, founder of “Tolerance in you”. 

 „MEET UP! Переможець пітчингу“


Contact: [email protected]

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