Подання заявок: «Організація заходів по підтримці учасників до і після навчальної програми з місцевого економічного розвитку»


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Подання заявок: «Організація заходів по підтримці учасників до і після навчальної програми з місцевого економічного розвитку»

TO: Prospective Applicants

ISSUANCE DATE: 2 July 2018

QUESTIONS DUE BY:  July 6, 2018

CLOSING DATE:  20 July 2018, 17:00 Kyiv Time

REF:   Cooperative Agreement No. AID-121-A-16-00007



The Cooperative Housing Foundation, doing business as Global Communities, has been selected by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to serve as the Prime Recipient for the (Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency (DOBRE) program. Global Communities is inviting qualified organizations with experience in supporting preparation of participants for study tours and follow-on activities to submit their applications for the subject activity based on this Request for Applications.

This is an open competition RFA. Applicants who are eligible to apply are: US, Ukraine, international, faith‐based and community organizations, and educational institutions who are able to respond through written applications. All applicants must be legally recognized organizational entities under applicable law and authorized to operate in Ukraine. For-profit entities are eligible to apply, but fixed fee or profit must not be included in the budget.  Government and parastatal entities are ineligible to apply for these grant funds.

Global Communities anticipates awarding one (1) award not to exceed $25,000 for up 12 months. The Award could start as early as August 1, 2018.

Interested organizations should submit their applications, in hard copy or electronic format in accordance with the language of the solicitation to the address specified. The applications must be received no later than 20 July 2018, 17:00 Kyiv Time.

Responding organizations are advised that this solicitation does not in any way commit Global Communities to make an award or compensate the responding organizations for any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of their applications.

Any questions or requests for information should be addressed by no later than 17 July 2018 to Olga Petrenko via e-mail at: [email protected] . Any information given to one prospective applicant concerning this solicitation will be furnished to all such applicants as an amendment of the solicitation.

Please e-mail Global Communities at [email protected] of your intent to apply at the earliest practicable date, so that we may anticipate the number of applications to be evaluated.

DOBRE BudgetTemplate


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Програма грантів від USAID АГРО