Послуги з розробки програмного модулю публічних консультацій онлайн-платформи взаємодії органів виконавчої влади з громадянами та інститутами громадянського суспільства “ВзаємоДія”


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Послуги з розробки програмного модулю публічних консультацій онлайн-платформи взаємодії органів виконавчої влади з громадянами та інститутами громадянського суспільства “ВзаємоДія”


The National Democratic Institute (NDI) is a non-profit, nongovernmental organization, working to support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government. NDI implements a range of programs in Ukraine, supporting good governance and citizen engagement, strengthening political party and civil society development, conducting international election observation, and working with partners to engage women and other marginalized groups in the political process. 

NDI is currently implementing a project funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) aimed at supporting the Government of Ukraine in making public consultation an integral part of policy making. As part of this project, NDI has been supporting the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine (MoDT) and the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers (SCMU) in developing the public consultation module of the online platform for interaction of government bodies with citizens and civil society institutions “VzaemoDiia” (“VzaemoDiia” online platform). This platform, when finalized, will serve as a one-stop-shop for all e-democracy tools in Ukraine and will include modules on online public consultation, e-petitions, e-appeals, participatory budget and others.

NDI, in close collaboration with the MoDT and other relevant stakeholders, plans to support the Government of Ukraine in development of the public consultation module of “VzaemoDiia” online platform. VzaemoDiia public consultation module will serve as the primary tool for the executive government, local self-government and other authorities as they engage the Ukrainian public in dialogue regarding policy decisions that affect them. Functioning of this online tool is prescribed by the draft law on public consultation that is awaiting the second reading in Parliament, and is a commitment of the Government of Ukraine under the Open Government Partnership National Action Plan for 2021-2022. 

The public consultation module of “VzaemoDiia” online platform is inspired by best practices of similar government platforms of the UK Government platform, Platform for Scottish Government consultations, the South Australian Government platform, the US Government platform, French Government platform and others.


NDI seeks proposals from qualified bidders (software development companies) to undertake the technical development of the public consultation module of “VzaemoDiia” online platform in close cooperation with NDI and MoDT. The public consultation module should be developed based on the technical specifications attached to this RFP (Annex 1), following the design of other modules of “VzaemoDiia” online platform and in line with best international practices of such platforms.


Date of the publishing of the RFP:

January 18, 2022

Deadline for Questions from Interested Bidders: 

January 25, 2022 Close of Business (COB) GMT +2

Expected Responses to Questions:

January 28, 2022

Application Deadline: 

February 16 COB GMT +2

Review of Applications: 

February 17 – 25, 2022

Expected Contract Start Date:

Beginning-mid of March 2022

Duration of the Project:

March – July 2022


In close collaboration with NDI and the MoDT, the selected bidder would:  

  • Develop a plan for the implementation process and manage all the stages and aspects of the technical development of the module; 
  • Develop a detailed terms of reference (ToR) for the module, wireframes and its UI/UX design (with possible A/B testing) based on the technical specifications attached to this RFP (Annex 1), in line with the graphic design of the system sub-brand in relation to the general brand “DIIA” and in compliance with the brand logo, font (e-Ukraine headset), color spectrum, UX/UI design, as well as in line with best international practices of such platforms (such as the UK Government platform, Platform for Scottish Government consultations, the South Australian Government platform, the US Government platform, French Government platform  and others);
  • Ensure the engagement of the identified stakeholders from government (central executive authorities, MoDT, State Enterprise “DIIA” etc), and civil society during the development of the ToR and throughout the module development process;
  • Ensure that the public consultation module is integrated and synchronized and provide  seamless transition with the other existing modules and features of “VzaemoDiia” online platform, including the module “Electronic competitions”;  
  • Organize regular communication with NDI and MoDT for quality control, deadlines, and compliance; perform periodic status reporting and updates;
  • Produce the deliverables and the final version of the module in accordance with the developed plan; and
  • Perform further maintenance of the platform by entering into a separate agreement with the MoDT, as needed.  

Due to the Covid-19, all work under this RFP will begin remotely until the pandemic situation improves; however, some exceptions may be granted with NDI’s explicit approval as necessary.


A detailed ToR for the public consultation module of “VzaemoDiia” online platform is drafted; the module is developed and launched. 


Only applications submitted by the bidders that meet the following requirements will be considered: 

  • The bidder must be a legal entity duly incorporated in Ukraine in accordance with its laws and regulations; 
  • The bidder must be active on the Ukrainian IT market during at least  seven (7) past years; and
  • The bidder must have demonstrated experience in developing similar IT products relevant to this RFP.


Interested bidders (software development companies) should submit proposals that include the following: 

  1. Information about and qualifications of the bidder, including: 
    1. Full registration name;
    2. Year of foundation; 
    3. Legal status in Ukraine;
    4. Legal address and actual address;
    5. Bank information;
    6. Taxpayer status (please note NDI is exempt from VAT for this procurement);
    7. Contact person name, position, email and phone number; 
    8. Profile of the bidder (describing the nature of business, field of expertise, demonstrated experience in developing similar IT products and knowledge of similar platforms);
    9. Other information that a bidder may consider relevant;
    10. Vendors are encouraged, but not required, to submit any documents that demonstrate their commitment to promoting inclusivity, diversity and sustainability through internal policies and practices. 
  2. The list of prior implemented projects developing similar IT products that are relevant to this RFP. This list should include the name of the client organization/company/agency and their contact information and the brief project description. 
  3. A technical proposal describing a proposed plan for the completion of services (description of how the services prescribed in the RFP will be implemented; essential performance characteristics, reporting and quality assurance mechanisms and detailed timeline).
  4. Proposed team structure (key proposed personnel to be engaged in the project; description of their positions and roles that must meet the requirements set in Annex 2 to the RFP).
  5. Total estimated budget for the services in USD inclusive of all expenses.

NDI may contact potential vendors for additional clarifications on submitted documents or an interview to discuss an individual’s background and technical experience.


The bids will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

  • Experience in the Ukrainian IT market and in developing similar IT products (max  25  points); 
  • Technical proposal describing a proposed plan and timeline for the completion of services (max 40 points); 
  • Proposed team structure and roles distribution (max 25 points);  
  • Value for money of the proposed budget (max 10 points).


Please submit all documents in English via email to [email protected] by February 16, 2022.

Interested bidders are welcome to send any questions they may have about this RFP via the same email to [email protected] by COB January 25, 2022.

NDI reserves the right to contact bidders to seek additional information and clarifications based on the submission of proposals following the submission deadline. 

NDI reserves the right to reject any and all bids. NDI reserves the right to consider bids for modification at any time before a contract is awarded. NDI should not be liable for any costs associated with the preparation, transmittal, or presentation materials submitted in response to the RFP. NDI makes no certification as to the accuracy of any item and is not responsible or liable for any reliance on or use of the information or for any claims asserted therefrom. Bids are expected to be valid for up to six months from the publication date of the RFP.

Bidders must provide disclosure of any known past, present or future relationships with any parties associated with NDI. For example, applicants should disclose if a member of their Board is also a member of NDI’s Board currently or in the past. The bidder also certifies that the prices offered were arrived at independently and without the purpose of restricting competition with other offerers, including but not limited to subsidiaries and that prices have not been and will not be knowingly disclosed to any other offerer unless required by law. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in NDI having to re-evaluate the selection of a potential bid.


The National Democratic Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government. NDI has been supporting local democratization efforts in Ukraine since 1992. 

For more information about NDI, please visit: www.ndi.org.


  • Annex 1 “Technical Specifications to the public consultation software module on the online-platform “VzaemoDiia”” (ENG);  
  • Annex 1  “Технічні вимоги програмного модулю публічних консультацій онлайн-платформи “ВзаємоДія”” (UKR);  
  • Annex 2 “Requirements for the proposed team structure”. 

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