Послуги з розробки веб-порталу для Фонду Державного Майна України – запит про наміри подати цінову пропозицію


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Послуги з розробки веб-порталу для Фонду Державного Майна України – запит про наміри подати цінову пропозицію

Deloitte оголошує запит про наміри подати цінову пропозицію щодо надання послуг з розробки веб-порталу для Фонду Державного Майна України. Далі – англійською:

I. Background

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Reform Activity in Ukraine (SOERA) is a 7-year Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract that aims to assist the Government of Ukraine (GOU) and other stakeholders to advance critical reforms of Ukraine’s SOEs. The USAID SOERA  is focused on strengthening SOE business operations and transparency, improving governance and oversight, advancing privatization of selected SOEs, and developing a strategic management model for SOEs remaining in state ownership.

As part of its assistance to the State Property Fund of Ukraine (SPFU), SOERA was requested to support the integration, enhancement, and redevelopment of the SPFU’s web presence and offering. The enhanced SPFU web portal will provide comprehensive and up-to-date information on the SPFU and the state-owned assets it is privatizing, leasing, and managing, including ownership details, valuation, and acquisition options. In particular, it will facilitate searching for assets based on location to make it more useful for investors, potential buyers, and tenants. The updated SPFU web portal will also provide strategic and practical solutions to improve transparency, openness, and accessibility of information related to state property management. It will also be redesigned to ensure improved cybersecurity and help attract target audiences to the privatization and leasing of state property.  Improving its web portal is a high priority for the SPFU.

II. Outcomes

The following outcomes are expected as part of the SPFU web portal upgrade:

  • Transitioning the SPFU’s web presence into a single, modern web portal utilizing the spfu.gov.ua URL with links from the www.orenda.gov.ua and www.privatization.gov.ua. It is envisioned the www.orenda.gov.ua and www.privatization.gov.ua will continue to exist but be phased out at a later date.
  • Ensuring data consistency and full compatibility with the new leasing IT system being developed at the SPFU, the Prozorro.Sale system, and all the internal registries of SPFU (including the Unified Register of State Property, SPFU valuation registries,  internal analytical systems of SPFU);
  • Redesigning and redeveloping the web portal www.spfu.gov.ua to serve as a one-stop-shop for privatization that receives regular updates, eliminate existing cybersecurity vulnerabilities, and makes information about the SPFU and its activities easily accessible to users;
  • Enhancing the quality of the presentation, use, and access of information from the SPFU for potential buyers, tenants, development partners, media, and other interested parties by incorporating the latest developments in information technology on a redesigned and reconfigured website;
  • Polishing the web portal presentation to boost SPFU brand awareness and identity through consistent design “look and feel” utilizing the SPFU’s new logo and brand book.
  • Ensuring the web portal works in harmony — button designs, links, color palette, typography, animations, and other elements are cohesive and complementary with the recently redesigned SPFU logo and brand book; 
  • Improving the usability of the administrative section of the web portal, allowing for the creation and editing of new website sections for potential new projects and initiatives, including sections for sanctioned assets and the lease of agricultural land;
  • Developing an adaptive version of the web portal for mobile phones and tablets; and
  • Enabling the periodic update of the core management system to reduce site vulnerabilities.

III. Period and Place of Performance

The tasks will be undertaken remotely and onsite at the SPFU (as needed) between 15 October 2023 and 15 October 2024.

Vendors, please state your interest in providing a quote for the optimization of the State Property Fund of Ukraine’s (SPFU) website. Please send an email stating your interest to Nick Bailey ([email protected]) and Galen Ekimov ([email protected]) no later than Friday, September 15th. In the email, please also include the full name of your company, and the full name of the best point of contact, and his/her email address.

After stating your interest, the project will reach out to you with formal documents (RFQ) to submit your quote. Please do not provide a quote in this first interest email.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Відкрита закупівля послуг з розробки дизайну та створення сайту, який представлятиме молодіжну столицю Європи

БО TBPeopleUkraine оголошує конкурсні торги (тендер) на закупівлю будівельних робіт

Конкурс на закупівлю меблів

Конкурс на подання концептуальних документів для реалізації ініціатив щодо покращення продуктивності сільського господарства в Україні

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