Постачальник послуг, для розробки ІТ-веб-платформи для реалізації програм підтримки фінансування ММСП


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Постачальник послуг, для розробки ІТ-веб-платформи для реалізації програм підтримки фінансування ММСП

Німецька федеральна компанія Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH доручила German Sparkassenstiftung (DSIK) реалізацію проєкту “Доступ до фінансування та підтримка стійкості ММСП в Україні – ІІ”.

У рамках цього проекту DSIK має на меті покращити доступ і використання фінансових послуг для малих і середніх компаній (ММСП), особливо компаній у сільській місцевості, щоб дати населенню та майбутнім поколінням в Україні перспективу сталого зростання та процвітання. Метою проєкту є реалізація механізму надання грантів ММСП на інвестиції та оборотний капітал та підтримка Фонду розвитку підприємництва та його партнерських фінансових установ для розвитку належного інституційного потенціалу та індивідуальних навичок для управління та розширення механізму надання грантів ММСП .

У зв’язку з цим German Sparkassenstiftung шукає постачальника послуг, здатного розробити ІТ-веб-платформу для реалізації програм підтримки фінансування ММСП Фонду розвитку підприємництва (BDF).

Очікується, що обраний постачальник надаватиме послуги, викладені в Технічному завданні нижче:

Конкурс пропозицій: (Контрольний номер: BDF_IT Web-Platform Development 2024)

Background & Objective

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has commissioned German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation (DSIK) with the implementation of the project “Access to Finance and MSME Resilience Support in Ukraine”.

Under this project, DSIK aims to improve access to and use of financial services for small and medium-sized companies (MSME), especially companies in rural areas, to give the population and future generations in Ukraine a perspective of sustainable growth and prosperity. The goal of the intervention is the implementation of an MSME investment- and working-capital grant facility and supporting the Business Development Fund and its partner Financial Institutions to develop adequate institutional capacities and individual skills for the management and scaling-up of the MSME grant facility.

Against this background, German Sparkassenstiftung is looking for a service provider capable of developing an IT Web-Platform for the implementation of programs to support financing of MSMEs of the Business Development Fund (BDF).

The selected provider will be expected to deliver the services outlined in the Terms of Reference below:

Terms of Reference

Duration of Services: March-June 2024

Nature of Services:

Support DSIK and BDF in developing and implementing an IT Web-Platform for the implementation of programs to support financing of MSMEs during the project to ensure effective project management.  This IT Web-Platform is intended to effectively coordinate interactions between international financial organisations, financial institutions and MSMEs and act as a communication channel for the target audience and partner institutions.

Scope of Work

The service provider is expected to provide:

  1. Understanding of the Defined Objectives and Goals:
    • Clearly understanding of the purpose of an IT Web-Platform, specific goals and metrics for success.
  2. Understanding of the Identify Target Audience:
    • Understanding the target audience and tailoring the messaging and design to appeal to their needs, preferences, and pain points.
  1. Used technologies:
  • Framework “Laravel”
  • Language of development: PHP 8+
  • Additional technologies for development: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Tailwind
  • Database: MySQL
  • Signing questionnaires and applications using Qualified electronic signature (QES)
  • Obtaining information about the applicant using the YouControl system
  1. General description of the structure
    • Start Page
    • About the platform
    • List of active programs
    • Catalog of banks with information about the programs in which the bank takes part
    • Directory of grantmakers with information about the programs in which the grantmaker takes part
    • News (platform, partner banks, etc.)
    • Static pages (Contacts, FAQ, Terms of participation, etc.)
    • User / Borrower Account
  • Any visitor to the platform can freely register on the platform
    • Grantor’s Account
  • A grantor can be registered exclusively by the platform administrator or a BDF employee authorized to do so
  • After registration, the following functions are available to the grantor:
  • Distribution of roles between employees, for example, based on lending programs, where each employee is responsible for applications in particular sector
  • Accepting applications for grants using the form established on the platform. The form is the same for all grant givers
  • Viewing user/borrower data available for display via the YouControl API
  • Receive notifications about new applications to registered email
  • View a list of all applications submitted by borrowers and filter this list
  • Acceptance of the application or its rejection, indicating the reason for the refusal
  • View statistics for all programs
  • Publication of information about the bank / grantor and lending conditions for each program (bank / grantor page).
  • Publication of news of the bank / grantor
  • Editing contacts
  • Editing profile data (email, password, etc.)
  • To register on the platform, the user must fill out a form. Based on the user’s responses, the system automatically determines whether the user can be registered on the platform
  • If the system allows the user to register, the user must sign the form using a qualified electronic signature (QES)
  • For further identification during registration, the user indicates the Individual Tax Number (ITN)/Unified State Registration Number of Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine (USREOU) or this data is taken from the CEP. This avoids double registrations
  • User data based on his/her ITN/USREOU and accessible through the API of the YouControl platform is displayed in the personal user account and for viewing by the BDF representative
  • After registration, the user must fill in all blank registration details of the organization and provide scanned copies of the required documents
  • After checking the information provided and confirmation by the BDF employee, the “user” status changes to the “borrower” status
  • The borrower can select a program and fill out an application for a loan or grant. The application is sent to all banks selected by the borrower, registered in the program, or to the grant provider whose program is selected
  • In the personal account, the user can see the status of the application
  • If an application is accepted by several banks, the borrower selects one bank with which to work on the submitted application. Refusal messages are sent to  other banks and they are put on a “stop list”
  • In case of refusal to receive a loan or grant, the user will see the reason for such refusal
  • It is possible to apply again for the same program, eliminating the comments listed in the refusal message
  • The user can choose another bank to re-apply
  • The user can change the data in his profile (email, password, contact phone and so on)

4.4. Bank’s Account

  • A bank can be registered exclusively by the platform administrator or a BDF employee authorized to do so
  • A bank has the following functions on the platform:
  • Adding additional employee emails to log into personal accounts
  • Distribution of roles between employees, for example, based on lending programs, where each employee is responsible for applications in particular sector
  • Accepting applications from businesses and individuals for loans using the form established on the platform. The form within the program is the same for all bank
  • Viewing user/borrower data available for display via the YouControl API
  • Receive notifications about new applications to registered email
  • View a list of all applications submitted by borrowers and filter this list
  • Acceptance of the application or its rejection indicating the reason
  • Review of the reasons for refusals by borrowers from other banks if the borrower resends the application.
  • View statistics for all programs.
  • Adding reports for each program
  • Editing contacts
  • Editing profile data (email, password, etc).
    • Workplace of a BDF employee
    • Adding, editing, removing, disabling programs
    • Adding, editing, removing, disabling an application form for each program
    • Adding, editing, deleting, disabling banks
    • Adding, editing, deleting, disabling grantmakers
    • Adding, editing, deleting, disabling users
    • Adding, editing, deleting, disabling borrowers
    • Connecting / disconnecting banks and grant providers to programs
    • Using search and filters to find borrowers, banks, grant providers
    • Using search and filters to find applications
    • Viewing user/borrower data available for display via the YouControl API
    • Viewing all applications submitted by borrowers
    • Viewing application data and complete information about it
    • Viewing comments from banks and grant providers on each application
    • Viewing statistics for all programs
    • Viewing reports from banks
    • Editing profile information
  • BDF employees are added to the system by the administrator
  • A BDF employee has the following functions and capabilities:
  1. Testing:
    • Perform testing to optimize different elements of the IT Web-Platform and make data-driven improvements.
  2. Launch:
    • Deploy the IT Web-Platform with a design, content, and functionality that meet satisfaction criteria.
  3. Iterative improvements:
    • Based on the monitoring of IT Web-Platform performance and feedback collected by BDF and DSIK, implement iterative improvements to enhance its effectiveness over time.

Qualified participants in this call for proposals shall outline clearly how the above deliverables will be provided to satisfy highest quality standards (staffing and project management aspects, technical aspects, references) and what additional ideas / deliverables are suggested to improve the successful implementation of the task.

Proposal Weighting of Evaluation

Weighting of evaluation for Contents and Structure of Technical & Financial Proposal For being considered eligible for the assignment the following two documents have to be submitted:

  1. Provision of a comprehensive and understandable technical proposal including the company`s understanding of the assignment and the company`s track record and references. (40% weight) For a better understanding of the technical proficiency of the participant, particular focus in the proposal evaluation will be put on work samples and references provided.
  2. Project team management and quality insurance mechanism. (20% weight).
  3. Provision of a financial proposal (in Ukrainian hryvnas) for providing respective services (40% weight).

Service Provider Minimum Qualification Requirements:

  • At least 5 years proven track record in the relevant fields
  • Experience in providing services in the fields outlined by current SoW
  • Experience in the cooperation with international clients or government institutions

We invite all interested parties to submit a qualified proposal indicating the reference number (BDF IT Web-Platform Development 2024) until the 24th of March 2024 to the following email address: [email protected].

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