Постачальник послуг для розробки веб-сторінки Проєкту


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Постачальник послуг для розробки веб-сторінки Проєкту

German Sparkassenstiftung (DSIK) шукає постачальника послуг для розробки веб-сторінки Проєкту “Доступ до фінансування та підтримка стійкості ММСП в Україні – ІІ”, що впроваджується в межах проєкту міжнародної співпраці ReACT4UA («Застосування та імплементація Угоди про асоціацію між ЄС та Україною у сфері торгівлі») за фінансування уряду Німеччини.

Call for Proposals (Reference number: DSIK Landing Page Development 2024)

Background & Objective

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has commissioned German Sparkassenstiftung for International Cooperation (DSIK) with the implementation of “Access to finance and MSME resilience support in Ukraine II” project. Under this project, DSIK aims to improve access to and use of financial services for micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSME), especially companies agriculture (especially food supply and processing), garment (textile) processing, manufacturing, export-oriented production, to give the population and future generations in Ukraine a perspective of sustainable growth and prosperity (intervention objective). The goal of the project is to support the Business Development Fund Ukraine and its partner financial institutions in the establishment and implementation of a 4,200,000 EUR MSME grant facility for investment and working capital blended finance instruments. In addition to providing access to finance, the suggested interventions will also enhance entrepreneurial capacities and competences through providing industry specific consultancy services and coaching for MSMEs.

Against this background, German Sparkassenstiftung is seeking a service provider capable of developing a landing page for the project. The selected provider will be expected to deliver the services outlined in the Terms of Reference below:

Terms of Reference

Duration of Services: January – February 2024

Nature of Services:

Support DSIK and BDF in developing and implementing a landing page for the project to ensure that it effectively communicates project message, captures the attention of the project target audience, and encourages them to take a specific action.  This landing page is intended to effectively showcase the project’s features and act as a communication channel for the target audience and partner institutions.

Scope of Work

The service provider is expected to provide:

  1. Understanding of the Defined Objectives and Goals:
    • Clearly understanding of the purpose of a landing page, specific goals and metrics for success.
  2. Understanding of the Identify Target Audience:
    • Understanding the target audience and tailoring the messaging and design to appeal to their needs, preferences, and pain points.
  3. Create a Wireframe:
    • Develop a basic layout or wireframe of a landing page including the key elements such as headline, subheadings, images, call-to-action, and any other relevant sections.
  4. Design:
    • Develop the visual elements of a landing page with attention to color schemes, typography, images, and overall branding of the project.
    • Ensure that the design aligns with the brand of the project and is visually appealing.
  5. Build the Landing Page:
    • Build the landing page using suitable development tools or platforms, ensuring mobile responsiveness.
  6. Testing:
    • Perform testing to optimize different elements of the landing page and make data-driven improvements.
  7. Launch:
    • Deploy the landing page with a design, content, and functionality that meet satisfaction criteria.
  8. Iterative improvements:
    • Based on the monitoring of landing page performance and feedback collected by BDF and DSIK, implement iterative improvements to enhance its effectiveness over time.

Qualified participants in this call for proposals shall outline clearly how the above deliverables will be provided to satisfy highest quality standards (staffing and project management aspects, technical aspects, references) and what additional ideas / deliverables are suggested to improve the successful implementation of the task.

Proposal Weighting of Evaluation

Weighting of evaluation for Contents and Structure of Technical & Financial Proposal For being considered eligible for the assignment the following two documents have to be submitted:

  1. Provision of a comprehensive and understandable technical proposal including the company`s understanding of the assignment and the company`s track record and references. (40% weight) For a better understanding of the technical proficiency of the participant, particular focus in the proposal evaluation will be put on work samples and references provided.
  2. Project team management and quality insurance mechanism. (20% weight).
  3. Provision of a financial proposal (in Ukrainian hryvnas) for providing respective services (40% weight).

Service Provider Minimum Qualification Requirements:

  • At least 5 years proven track record in the relevant fields
  • Experience in providing services in the fields outlined by current SoW
  • Experience in the cooperation with international clients or government institutions

We invite all interested parties to submit a qualified proposal indicating the reference number (DSIK Landing Page Development 2024) until the 25th of January 2024 to the following email address: [email protected]

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