Проєкт UAFATA оголошує конкурс: Market research for a greenfield grain transhipment terminal on the border of Ukraine and Poland


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Проєкт UAFATA оголошує конкурс: Market research for a greenfield grain transhipment terminal on the border of Ukraine and Poland

Terms of Reference


Ukraine Agri-Food Value Chain Project/ Проєкт технічної підтримки “Основний кредит для аграрної галузі – Україна” (the Project) is a 5-year (2019–2023) technical assistance project funded by the European Commission through the EU Neighbourhood Investment Program (NIF) and the Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund (EPTATF) and its donors, and implemented by NIRAS A/S. The goal of the Project is to facilitate access to finance for small and medium agriculture enterprises in the grains, oilseeds, and aquaculture and fisheries value chains.

The Project wishes to support the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine (the Ministry) by developing a feasibility study (the Study) for a greenfield grain transhipment terminal on the border of Ukraine and Poland. The Study will be developed by the Project team in cooperation with the Ministry. However, the Study requires comprehensive data and analytics on the market for logistics of grains and oilseeds in both Ukraine and Europe, which is what the Project intends to procure according to the definitions of this Terms of Reference. The Project will combine the market research with the technical information received from the Ministry to lay the groundwork for the Study, which will be developed internally by the Project team. The ultimate goal of the Project is to facilitate investment financing for several grain transhipment terminals.

 Scope of Work

These terms of reference outline the requirements to the market research of the market for logistics of grains and oilseeds in Ukraine and Europe (the Research). The goal of the Study is to support the decision-making process by objectively and rationally determining the strengths and weaknesses of the project, its opportunities and threats, and identifying the resources needed for its implementation, as well as its prospects for success. The goal of the Research is to provide a firm foundation for the Study, namely for the formulation of assumptions, developing financial projections, and identifying risks, their likelihood and impact.

The table below lists the outline of the Study along with the level of information support needed from the Research. The following meaning is assigned to the “Expected support” categories:

  • High — the provided market research should be well elaborated, cover the topic in all important aspects, and offer assumptions for the financial model that are well founded in the provided research
  • Low — the market research should provide a set of cases relevant for the topic, that would offer valuable information to the Project team in formulating its own assumptions, but will not necessarily be exhaustive
  • None — no input is expected 



  1. Introduction


  1. Executive Summary


  1. Company Summary


  1. Market Characteristics


  • The Market in general


  • Consumers, Production and Trade


  • Existing Competitors


  • Suppliers


  • Substitutes


  • New Entrants


  • Summary Market Analysis


  1. Strategy and Product Mix

Low to None

  • Strategic Foundation


  • Funding Strategy


  • Branding Strategy


  • Execution Strategy and Site Selection


  1. Sales and Direct Costs


  • Turnover


  • Product Cost


  1. Technical Development Plan


  • Placement of buildings on site


  • Equipment specification


  • Utilities and other common facilities


  • Feasibility study on specific equipment


  • Budget estimate for plant establishment


  1. Organizational development plan


  • Top Management, HR, Finance, Sales, Quality, Production


  1. Financial Feasibility


  • Sales, direct cost, and contribution


  • Profit Loss Statement


  • Balance Sheet, Cash Flow and Financing


  • Financial Ratios


  • Sensitivity analysis


  1. Risk Assessment


  • Financial Risks


  • Operational Risks


  • Market Risk (externals)



  • A set of documents and spreadsheets containing market research with sufficient coverage as outlined above.
  • The narrative sections must be presented in two languages — English and Ukrainian
  • A review and improvement of the provided documents and spreadsheets, if needed, following a review of the initial deliverables by the Project team for accuracy and completeness


The Project envisages the following milestones (all dates in 2023):

April 14 — Draft of the market research is presented to the Project team

April 28 — The Project presents its feedback to the Contractor

May 19 — The feedback is reflected in the market research

 Requirements for the applicants

  • The Applicant must be a registered, officially established Ukrainian organization that has a good reputation and is recognized by the relevant Ukrainian authorities and complies with all current rules of civil and tax legislation
  • The Applicant must demonstrate successful past experience in implementing similar projects
  • The Applicant must demonstrate sound management in the form of financial, administrative and technical strategy and procedures and present an internal control system that protects assets, prevents fraud, waste and abuse, and contributes to the achievement of the goals and objectives of the Project. Before concluding a contract for the provision of services/performance of works, the Project will assess this ability.

Applications (technical and financial proposals, and supporting documents) should be submitted in PDF format by e-mail to the addresses [email protected] and [email protected] with the subject of the email Market research for a grain transhipment terminal

Applications must be submitted no later than 6:00 p.m. Kyiv time on February 20, 2023. Applications sent after the deadline, or those that do not meet the requirements, will not be considered. The expected duration of the provision of services/performance of works is from the date of signing the contract with the contractor (tentatively, March 1, 2023) to May 19, 2023. The Project will confirm receipt of all applications submitted to the above email addresses ([email protected] and [email protected]) in writing.

 Evaluation criteria

Complete applications will be reviewed by a committee/group of internal experts consisting of Project technical staff, and their recommendations may be reviewed by a larger group. Complete applications will be assessed against the assessment criteria set out in the table below.

Evaluation Criteria

Maximum points

Capacity (available resources, staff capacity, previous experience)


Understanding of the goals of the Project, agricultural topics, and having experience in the implementation of projects in this field


The proposed cost of works


Overall rating (maximum 100 points)


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