Sеeking a Subject Matter Expert(s), Trainer on Cybersecurity Workshops


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Sеeking a Subject Matter Expert(s), Trainer on Cybersecurity Workshops

CRDF Glоbal (Ukraine Office) is seeking a Subject Matter Expert, Trainer on Cybersecurity Workshops

CRDF Global runs a vast portfolio of projects on various areas and topics of cyber security in a  collaborative setting of government, academia, public and private sectors stakeholders in order to meet the funder’s goals.

To implement the projects in the appropriate mannеSr and to accomplish projects tasks, CRDF Global cybersecurity projects teams are seeking for services and support from local Cyber Security Subject Matter Expert.

Above mentioned subject matter expert tasks would be mostly concentrated on providing certain exact cyber security advising services for the project activities implemented by providing guidance and support. The expert will deliver that in a manner aligned with CRDF Global project goals and objectives and customers specific requirements. 

CRDF Global  programming activities to be held from June 2022 until September2023  will be centered around but not limited to the following areas for CRDF Global`s Cybersecurity and Cooperative Threat Reduction:

  • Countering Cyber threats;
  • Cyber threat intelligence;
  • Modern international cyber security trends;
  • US, Ukrainian and European cyber security issues;
  • Cyber hygiene for various audiences;
  • Cyber security workforce skills development trainings;

As such, CRDF Global requires on-going, flexible, and lasting partnerships with experts in the field.

For an upcoming engagement, CRDF Global (Ukraine Office) is seeking the subject matter expert, who would be expected to provide contracted services such as, but not limited to: 

The selected subject matter expert(s) would be expected to provide contracted services such as, but not limited to:

  1. Development of training and briefing materials for varied Ukrainian and international audiences in both government and private sectors, educational institutions, and/or civil society;
  2. Delivery of virtual and/or face-to-face trainingі, workshops, and presentations, delivering answers and providing expertise during discussions, Q&A sessions at CRDF Global events that are to be held in various domestic and international locations;
  3. Delivery of an After-Action Report that summarizes observations, successes, lessons learned, and recommendations for future programming on the relevant topic;
  4. Briefing on the current and emerging trends, events and novelties in the cyber tech industry;
  5. Develop mechanism for measuring mid- and long-term evaluation on cyber awareness of cyber threats and ‘cyber hygiene’ skills among target audience;

Interested candidates must request the Request For Proposal (RFP) document with the detailed requirements from Oleksiy Fomin <[email protected]>.   

Please indicate the RFP number in your request: #RFP-12-UA-2022

Proposal submission deadline: May 30, 2022 (6:00 PM, Kyiv)

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