Тендер: Медичні витратні матеріали та обладнання / Invitation for a tender supply

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Тендер: Медичні витратні матеріали та обладнання / Invitation for a tender supply

Tender 2024 UKR MYK 075: Supply of non-medical goods for healthcare institutions in Mykolaiv and Kherson regions within the framework of the CDCS project – Ukraine

The international medical and humanitarian organization Médecins du Monde invites companies with experience working with private and public institutions, including humanitarian organizations, to participate in a tender for the supply of various non-medical goods for healthcare facilities: IT equipment, electronic equipment, hygiene products, stationery and office furniture for the Mykolaiv and Kherson regions, located in southern Ukraine.

  • Interested companies can send a request for tender documentation (ToR, BoQ, Annexes) by writing to the email address: [email protected] , indicating in the subject line: “TENDER 24-UKR-MYK-075 Supply of non-medical item” .
  • A company profile must be attached to the letter. Requests without this document will not be considered.
  • Companies can apply for one or more positions (lots) depending on their capabilities and desires.
  • Contractors/companies/firms must submit sealed bids that include warranties, unit price, delivery time, packaging, company documentation and its official representative. The bid must be complete and meet the requirements of the process.
  • Deadline for submitting questions regarding tender requirements: January 13, 2025 at 5:00 PM .
  • Deadline for submission of proposals: January 27, 2025 at 5:00 PM . Proposals received after this time will not be considered.

The organization reserves the right to accept or reject in whole or in part any proposals during the final selection/award of contract(s) without giving any reasons.

This invitation to tender does not constitute an obligation to conclude a contract on the part of the organization and does not impose on the organization an obligation to cover the costs associated with the preparation and submission of a tender.

If you are interested, please contact: [email protected] to receive all the details of the tender !

Have a wonderful day everyone and happy holidays!

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