Тендер на комплексний консультаційний супровід з реєстрації права власності на об’єкт нерухомого майна


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Тендер на комплексний консультаційний супровід з реєстрації права власності на об’єкт нерухомого майна

Management Sciences for Health (MSH), implementer of USAID SAFEMed Activity in Ukraine, invites you to submit Proposal in accordance with the requirements of the following Request for Proposals (RFP) # UKRSAFEMED113A.

The goal of this solicitation is to choose a short-term service provider vendor, which has the capacity and experience to provide complex consulting support for the registration of the ownership right of an object of immovable property for MOH and the right of full economic authority for the SE “Ukrmedpostach”.

The Contractor is expected to propose a comprehensive approach to provision of the necessary support to Ukrmedpostach to solve existing real estate issue, which must include the following phases:

  • Entering the information about the State’s ownership rights and the right of the full economic authority of the object (state registration) into the Unified Register of State-owned Objects.
  • Performing technical inventory of the object (including preparation of the technical passport, issuing technical passport).
  • Entering the data on the provided reconstruction of the object into the State Register of Construction Activities.
  • Solving the issue of address duplication for the mentioned real estate object with third parties.
  • Providing consulting services, drafting, and submitting the documents on behalf of MOH and Ukrmedpostach.

The detailed information is presented in the RFP #UKRSAFEMED113A and Appendix 1

RFP #UKRSAFEMED113A_real estate legalization

Appendix #1_Compliance with qualification requirements 

In case of your interest, we invite you to submit your proposal in electronic form to [email protected] on January 20, 2023, by 6:00 pm Kyiv time.

All questions and clarifications related to this request for proposals should be sent to: [email protected]

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