Тендер на розробку стратегії позиціонування, комунікації та візуальної айдентики для Центральної виборчої комісії


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Kateryna Makhova

тендер tender 1 (11)
Тендер на розробку стратегії позиціонування, комунікації та візуальної айдентики для Центральної виборчої комісії

IFES Ukraine announces a tender to develop a positioning, communication, and visual identification strategy for the Central Election Commission

Since 1994, IFES has played a key role in the formation and modernization of democratic electoral processes and institutions in Ukraine. During this time, IFES gained a reputation as a reliable source of information for objective analysis, evaluation, and highly qualified technical assistance in electoral law reform in general and political financing, election administration, civil society capacity building, and public opinion research.

The main directions of program activities of IFES Ukraine include protection of Ukraine from threats of cyberattacks and vulnerabilities of the election process and related areas; training of election administration bodies based on international standards and best practices; support of civil society, the scientific community, and strengthening of citizens’ participation in political processes; facilitating the discussion of electoral reform and political financing reform; ensuring the inclusion of underrepresented population groups in the election process; strengthening the capacity of election administration bodies and other politically vulnerable institutions.

Given the Central Election Commission (CEC) is the primary beneficiary of the ITA programs implemented by IFES in Ukraine, we’re seeking a professional company/organization to develop a positioning, communication, and visual identification strategy for the CEC. Compiled in one brand book, it will help the Commission organize internal and public communication to reach Ukraine’s citizens. The positioning requires short and precise descriptions of the Central Election Commission of Ukraine, what it does, what it strives for, and what values it is guided by. The communication strategy will help to determine a single slogan, tone of voice, and message boxes for representatives of different age groups.

Since the Central Election Commission works not only during elections, it needs an adequate visual identification system. An integral part of the CEC’s work is an educational function and familiarizing Ukrainians with the processes essential for forming a democratic state. That means thousands of publications on social media, various printed materials, regular presentations, and events every year to unify all this effort visually. 


The successful Ukrainian company or Private Entrepreneurs will be contracted to provide services with the deliverables as follows:

For the CEC:

  • Positioning
  • A series of slogans
  • Developing the main logo idea and concept in two language versions
  • Font solutions (main and additional fonts)
  • A palette of primary and secondary colors (rules, examples of application)
  • Typography (rules, examples of application)
  • A set of up to 30 thematic icons (rules, examples of use)
  • A set of thematic illustrations and other branded graphic elements, textures, etc.
  • Photos: photo style, image recommendations
  • Mockups and layouts for merchandise
  • Templates for presentations
  • Social media templates: information message, quote
  • Templates for press releases, roll-ups

For the Training Center:

  • Developing the logo idea and concept in two language versions
  • A palette of primary and secondary colors (rules, examples of application)
  • Typography (practices, examples of application)
  • Templates for presentations,
  • Templates for social networks
  • POS materials.


  • At least two similar projects implemented in Ukraine
  • Experience working with state bodies and international organizations
  • Ability to perform work within limited time frames and meet deadlines
  • Highly qualified employees/specialists with appropriate professional competences
  • Officially registered status in accordance with Ukrainian legislation
  • Previous experience in democracy, governance, and elections will be a plus.


August 1 – November 30, 2023


The Service Delivery Proposal should be in English and must contain the following:

  • Contact name, email address, and phone number for communication between IFES and the potential contractor
  • A brief description of the company, including:
    • The full legal name and address of the legal entity or individual entrepreneur on whose behalf the offer is sent and with whom the contract for the provision of services will be concluded
    • Registration certificate, taxpayer certificate, bank details
    • Full name of the legal representative (president or head) of the supplier (not applicable for private entrepreneurs)
    • Year when the business started
  • A description of previous experience in implementing similar projects (a brief description and links to samples of the content produced) with a minimum of two contacts for business references upon request. IFES reserves the right to request and review additional recommendations.
  • A detailed technical proposal
  • Proposed cost of providing services (total amount in hryvnias with details of the cost of each type of activity and with all applicable taxes/fees, which are clearly defined for each type of activity.).

NB: IFES is exempt from VAT in Ukraine and the selected supplier must consider this requirement.

The supplier must send a complete tender proposal to Kateryna Polishchuk ([email protected]) and Diana Koval ([email protected]) by July 25, 2023, 18:00 Kyiv time. The e-mail’s subject should contain the text “Tender proposal. Development of multimedia materials” and the company’s name. All proposals must be submitted in English.

IFES reserves the right to contract one, multiple, or none of the bidders.

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