Тендер на закупівлю послуг з проведення дослідження: IREX_RFP_L2D-Ed_external evaluation among teachers


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Тендер на закупівлю послуг з проведення дослідження: IREX_RFP_L2D-Ed_external evaluation among teachers
  1. Background

Learn to Discern in Education (L2D-Ed) program is aimed to equip Ukrainian educators with the awareness, knowledge, and skills that lead to critical information consumption (CIC), and the pedagogical skills to effectively transmit CIC to students across a variety of disciplines throughout the Ukrainian secondary school system. This will help to bring up Ukraine’s next generation of well-informed, discerning voters, leaders, and activists.

Within the program more than 3603 teachers from 1558 schools across the country took part in the program. They received an extended media literacy training, learned how to integrate exercises on the development of critical information consumption skills and received materials for school lessons. Learn more information about the project.

IREX is looking for a vendor to conduct focus groups discussions (FGDs) among teachers L2D-Ed program participants.

Goal of an external evaluation: To acquire an in-depth understanding of the L2D-Ed instructional strengths, successes, and challenges integrating CIC into lessons, as well as areas for the program improvement. Find out the impact of the program on teachers’ resilience to malign information operations.


  • Find out what changes have taken place in the consumption of information and media content by teachers after participating in the program.
  • Determine the resistance to disinformation of teachers participating in the program in general and in addition during the war period.
  • Find teachers’ feedback on IREX materials provided to facilitate integration of CIC into school’s objects (format, other subjects, additional materials).
  • Investigate the experience of integrating media literacy and CIC skills in teacher education. What worked, what were the difficulties, if teachers identified any solutions or not.
  • Identify additional benefits of IREX trainings for teachers beyond their daily professional activity.
  • To determine what can motivate teachers from different expansions to participate in the L2D-ed program.
  • Identify the changes teachers observed in their students after integrating media literacy and CIC skills into subjects in general and in addition about format of classes, interactive way of teaching and etc.  
  • Find out recommendations from teachers on what can be done beyond that has been done or/and find out from teachers what can be done in a more efficient way to facilitate the integration of media literacy and CIC skills into school subjects.

Target audience (TA): secondary schools’ teachers (women and men), project participants who teach Ukrainian Language and Literature or Arts & Culture or Ukrainian History and World History (database will be provided by IREX). The teachers joined the project in different period of time. There were 6 program expansions.

  • Pilot-March 2018​
  • Phase 1-January 2019​
  • Phase 2-August 2019
  • Phase 3-June 2020
  • Phase 4-February 2021
  • Phase 5-November 2021

Regions of an external evaluation: Teachers L2D program participants represent all oblast of Ukraine and different type of settlements.

  1. Scope of work

IREX expects from selected vendor administering the assignment the following works.

Vendor will:

  • In cooperation with IREX, finalize the guide for conduction of FGDs interviews. IREX will share the first draft of guide for FGDs interviews in Ukrainian.
  • Translation guide for FGD from Ukrainian to English.
  • Conduct 2 in-depth interviews before the FGDs to test the guide.
  • Conduct at least 7 online FGDs with secondary schools’ teachers, program participants, at least 6-8 teachers per one FGD.
  • Recruitment of respondents
  • Conduct FGDs preferably online.
  • Prepare transcripts for FGDs and in-depth interviews in the language of respondents.
  • Prepare narrative report.


  • Final guide for FGDs in English and Ukrainian.
  • Transcripts for FGDs and in-depth interviews in the language of respondents.
  • Narrative report based on FGDs and in-depth interviews results in English and Ukrainian.
  • A short summary report with key findings and recommendations in English and Ukrainian.

Timing/duration. Work should start immediately after agreement signature and must be completed by September 25th, 2022.

  • Proposal requirements

Proposal should be sent to [email protected] no later than 18:00 August 11, 2022.

Any clarification questions regarding to the RfP should be submitted to [email protected] not later than 18:00 August  9th, 2022.

The vendor will be selected by August 16th, 2022. All companies that apply will be informed about the selection results.

 Elements of the proposal:

  • Narrative proposal (maximum size of the narrative proposal in MS Word is 5 pages (font size 12, 1.5 line spacing) which includes
    • Methodology with description of choosing, recruiting and better combination of teachers in one FGDs based on described selection criteria.
    • Capacity of the organization (staff have significant experience in conducting all types of research at the highest level, the presence of interviewers in all regions of the country, the availability of the necessary technical equipment, the ability to conduct research using qualitative methodology, etс);
    • Activity report with relevant examples of completed similar assignments performed during the last 2 years, and specifically a description of one assignment performed during the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine. Previous experience in conducting surveys among the educators will be a plus.
    • Timeline by different activities preliminary proposed in the goal.
    • Security risks assessment related to the ongoing war – describe how your company will manage risks while fieldwork, and safety of participants what measures are available to mitigate the risks.
  • Budget calculations by budget lines. Budget calculations to be sent in a separate MSExcel file. Budget template
  • Registration documents including the following: certificate on state registration, taxpayer certificate, Charter, order for the appointment of the organization head, and any other relevant documents (for example, references)

Budget ceiling is 7,000 USD including VAT.
The payment is made in UAH according to the official currency exchange rate, determined by the National Bank of Ukraine as of the date of invoice issue.

Language of submission is English.

Please find detailed description here: RFP_L2D-Ed_external evaluation among teacher

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