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Тендер на закупівлю послуг з проведення дослідження: IREX_RFP_L2D-Ed_Survey among Government officials


Learn to Discern in Education (L2D-Ed) implemented by IREX, aims to spread media literacy, conscious engagement with information, and development of critical thinking through Ukrainian society by conducting educational activities on media literacy among educators, government officials, journalists, thought leaders, and youth. This includes educating more than 300 Government officials on how to analyze information, identify disinformation and propaganda, make data-informed decisions, and effectively communicate based on analysis.

IREX is looking for a vendor to conduct a survey among Government officials. L2D-Ed defines Government officials as representatives of local and national state administrations, ministries, and elected offices, and representatives of public administration at various levels.

IREX expects that the selected vendor will achieve the following goal within the survey:

Goal: To identify government officials’ changes and patterns in consuming and sharing information since full-scale invasion, and to explore how government officials can recognize and resist Russian propaganda, hate speech, divisive narratives, and disinformation.


  • Identify changes in information consumption among different groups of government officials in Ukraine since full-scale invasion.
  • Explore how government officials share public information and communicate with their community since full-scale invasion.
  • Using real examples to identify the ability of government officials to recognize Russian propaganda, hate speech, divisive narratives, and disinformation.
  • Explore vulnerable and resilient audiences to disinformation among government officials.
  • Identify areas and needs in which government officials want to be trained on topics related to information consumption, propaganda, and disinformation.
  • Disaggregate all the results by gender, different groups of government officials, regions, and type of settlement, age, status of disability etс.

Target audience: government officials from different groups at national and local government levels in Ukraine who are involved in the decision-making process, including those involved in communication and media monitoring.

Geography: Kyivska, Chernihivska, Lvivska and Vinnitska oblasts.

Methods: Preferably offline F2F or online formats.

Scope of work

IREX expects the selected vendor to facilitate the following tasks:

  • Develop the methodology to address the goal of the survey, with combination of quantitative and qualitative tools. Develop design of the survey, including a sampling plan, purpose sample size, quotas, method of recruitment that would allow compared results between types of settlement and different groups of government officials.
  • In cooperation with IREX, finalize the questionnaire (duration up to 20 minutes) for the quantitative survey and guide for the qualitative part. IREX will share first draft of the questionnaire and guide in Ukrainian.
  • Translation questionnaire and guide from Ukrainian to English.
  • Conduct pre-test of interviews with a sample of potential respondents to address potential issues.
  • Recruitment of the respondents.
  • Conduct fieldwork to achieve the goal of the announcement.
  • Prepare a database in Excel (xls/csv) or SPPS (sav).
  • Prepare a technical report.
  • Prepare transcripts in language of respondents.
  • Prepare an analytical report based on quantitative survey in English and Ukrainian.
  • Prepare narrative report for qualitative survey in English and Ukrainian.


  • Methodology that can assess the goal of the evaluation. 
  • Final guide and questionnaire in English and Ukrainian.
  • Piloting report (up to 1 page).
  • Technical report for the survey (including sampling procedures, fieldwork description, response rate, etc.).
  • Database with coded open question and codebook for the survey in Excel (xls/csv) or SPPS (sav) in English and Ukrainian.
  • Analytical report in PowerPoint for quantitative survey in English and Ukrainian.
    • Transcripts in language of respondents
    • Narrative report for qualitative survey in English and Ukrainian.
  • A short summary report of the evaluation with key findings and recommendations based on the qualitative and quantitative parts of the survey in English and Ukrainian.


Work should be completed by December 29th, 2022.

  • Proposal requirements

Proposal should be sent to [email protected] no later than 18:59 October 14th, 2022.

Any clarification questions regarding to the RfP should be submitted to [email protected] not later than 18:59 October 10th.

The vendor will be selected by October 24th, 2022. All companies that apply will be informed about the selection results.

Elements of the proposal: 

  • Narrative proposal (maximum size of the narrative proposal in MS Word is 5 pages (font size 12, 1.5 line spacing) which includes
    • Methodology for assessing goal of the evaluation, propose design of the survey, including sample size, quotas, method of recruitment that would allow to compare results between types of settlement and different groups of government officials within the same oblast and between other oblasts. Propose number of FGDs or/and in-depth interviews for qualitative part.
    • Capacity of the organization (staff have significant experience in conducting all types of research at the highest level, the presence of interviewers in all regions of the country, the availability of the necessary technical equipment, the ability to conduct research using qualitative and quantitative methodologies, etс);
    • Activity report with relevant examples of completed similar assignments performed during the last 2 years, and specifically a description of one assignment performed since the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine. Previous experience in conducting surveys among the government officials will be a plus.
    • Timeline for different activities preliminarily described in the goal of the survey.
    • Security risks assessment related to the ongoing war – describe how your company will manage risks during the fieldwork and ensure both safety of interviewers and participants as well as include information on anticipated measures to mitigate the risks.
  • Budget calculations by budget lines. Budget calculations to be sent in a separate MSExcel file. Budget template
  • Registration documents including the following: certificate on state registration, taxpayer certificate, Charter, order for the appointment of the organization head, and any other relevant documents (for example, references).

Budget ceiling is 17,000.00 USD including VAT. The payment is made in UAH according to the official currency exchange rate, determined by the National Bank of Ukraine as of the date of invoice issue.

Language of submission is English. 

Please find detailed description here: RfP_L2D_Ed_Survey among Government officials

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