Тендер НДІ на надання перекладацьких послуг


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Тендер НДІ на надання перекладацьких послуг

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) announces the annual bidding process on interpreter services (English-Ukrainian/Russian and vice versa) on an as-needed basis for a 12-month period. You can learn more about NDI at https://www.ndi.org/

Description of services

NDI-Ukraine office is looking for the following services to be provided:

  • written translation (English-Ukrainian/Russian and vice versa)
  • oral translation (English-Ukrainian/Russian and vice versa):
    • consecutive translation
    • simultaneous translation
      • with equipment (for 30 people and more)
      • without equipment (whispering)

Requirements to potential bidders

  • at least 3 years of proven experience in providing interpreter services – both written and oral (English-Ukrainian/Russian and vice versa)
  • vocabulary awareness on the following topics:
    • elections
    • gender equality
    • LGBT
    • public participation

Service delivery proposal

The service delivery proposal should be in English and contain the following:

Period of performance: December 1, 2020 – November 30, 2021

We kindly ask you to send the offer by COB, November 6, to the following e-mail address – [email protected]. Please indicate “Bidding on interpreter services” in the subject line of you e-mail.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Закупівля тракторного обладнання

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