Tender – Procurement of Video Production Services for the USАID Cybersecurity Activity


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Tender – Procurement of Video Production Services for the USАID Cybersecurity Activity

DAI Global LLC, implementer of the USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity (USAID Cybersecurity Activity or the Activity) invites qualified vendors to submit proposals in response to the Procurement of Video Production Services for the USAID Cybersecurity Activity RFP (No.REQ-KYI-21-0389).           

 DAI recognize that Offerors may have questions after reading this RFP. The deadline for interested Offerors to submit their questions is August 25, 202106:00 pm, Kyiv time.         

Questions should be submitted to the email address – [email protected].      

The deadline for receipt of proposals is August 30, 2021, 06:00 pm, Kyiv time. Proposals should be submitted to [email protected]       

We look forward to your submissions.     

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