Тендер: Security Management Services/ICAP Global Health


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Тендер: Security Management Services/ICAP Global Health


Security Management Services

ICAP at Columbia University is an international center through which the Project is being implemented and that aims to ensure the wellness of families and communities by strengthening health systems around the world.

In partnership with the Ukrainian Center for Public Health (CPH) and United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ICAP is implementing the International Technical Assistance Project “Enhancing Global Health Security: Strengthening Public Health Surveillance Systems and Preparedness Globally”.

For more details see: https://icap.columbia.edu/where-we-work/ukraine

ICAP is therefore looking for individuals or entities to submit competitive bids for Security Management Services to be carried out October 1, 2023 through 29th September, 2024

Letters of interests should be submitted on or before 17:00 hours, March 15th, 2024 electronically or in a sealed envelope titled “RFQ for Security Management Services” to the address below:

[email protected]

01601, Shovkovychna St, 42\44, Kyiv, Ukraine

It shall remain your responsibility to ensure that your letter of interest will reach the address above on or before the deadline. Letters of interest that are received by ICAP after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation.

ICAP reserves the right to confirm the information given by applicants in order to validate the information and make informed decisions.

ICAP reserves the right to accept or reject any application based on the evaluation criteria provided below.

Please take note of the following requirements and conditions pertaining to the supply of the above-mentioned services:

Function and Service Details:

Security Management Services:

Under this SOW, provider will:

-Provide an embedded Safety and Access (Security) Advisor

-Conduct Pre-travel country security briefings via Zoom

-Allocate 2 Drivers with dedicated vehicles

-Crisis Management support

-Security Advisory support

-Maintenace of the Country Program and Office Security Management Plan

-Other field tasks (security & risk assessments, route reconnaissance tasks, hibernation/relocation, evacuation plan design, accommodation/risk assessments)

The Security Management Plan will be maintained with periodic and as needed updates to the below sections:

  • An assessment introduction & background,
  • An executive statement,
  • A general oblast context overview, risk assessment and risk forecast,
  • An activity related risk assessment (based on information provided by the client),
  • A security and risk assessment of Ternopil city,
  • A security and risk assessment of Vinnytsia city,
  • A security and risk assessment of Khmelnytsky city,
  • A security and risk assessment of Kyiv city,
  • A security and risk assessment of Dnipro city,
  • A route risk assessment for the routes leading to and from either city, and
  • A threat assessment matrix


Location of service

Ukraine, Kyiv with travel to other Oblasts as needed

Currency of Quotation


Deadline for the

Submission of Quotation

COB, Friday, March 15th, 2024, on or before 17:00 hours

All documentations, including catalogs, instructions and operating manuals, shall be in this language

English, typed text, no handwritten offers will be accepted.

Documents to be submitted with the quotes

  • Letter of interest and cost implications
  • Curriculum Vitae.

Period of Validity of Quotes starting the Submission Date


Partial Quotes

Not permitted

Payment Terms

Payment after full delivery and certification of work by relevant ICAP Headquarters in NY

Evaluation Criteria

 Technical responsiveness/Full compliance to requirements and lowest price

ICAP will award to:

 One individual/entity who meets the requirements

Type of Contract to be Signed

Service Agreement

Minimum Requirements

Please contact the following e-mail:

 [email protected]


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