Тренінг “Get Active Locally” в м. Мінськ, Білорусь


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Тренінг “Get Active Locally” в м. Мінськ, Білорусь

Громадська організація “НЕ ЗУПИНЯЙСЯ!” шукає 5 учасників з України на тренінг “Get Active Locally”, який відбудеться в м. Мінськ, Білорусь, 3 26-го серпня по 3-е вересня 2018 р.

Дедлайн подачі заявок – 06.05.2018

The project addresses the need to promote volunteering as a way into employment. This training will focus on very narrow area: volunteering in animal welfare organisations, involvement of young people with fewer opportunities, including migrants, refugees and Roma people.
The objectives of the training are:
- improve awareness of animal welfare
- increase awareness of volunteering in animal welfare organisations and ways to expand activities in this field (recruitment of volunteers, roles, skills matching, activity on local and international level)
- increase awareness of cultural diversity of Europe
- increase employability skills of the participants
- increase capacity of participating organisations to operate at international level
- improve foreign language competence.

Reimbursement limits: 
275 euro – travel grant; 100% coverage of the hotel and food.
Participation fee: 40 euro.

Find the detailed info-pack https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LiZMlSjs_1Logsa42EU6yHVbYkV1rh-7/view and fill in the application form until 06.05.2018 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdPODWh9mbJzNWvA1Ibwfc918_zjyBlhP_ylO0T_Tv9R6pizw/viewform?c=0&w=1

 In case of any queries feel free to contact us via e-mail: [email protected].

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