USAID «Кібербезпека критично важливої інфраструктури України» Cyber Vouchers Administration Grant Program RFA-CCI-002 (переоголошення)


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USAID «Кібербезпека критично важливої інфраструктури України» Cyber Vouchers Administration Grant Program RFA-CCI-002 (переоголошення)

USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity

Cyber Vouchers Administration Grant Program

Reissue of Request for Applications (RFA) Reference No.: RFA-CCI-002

Issue Date: January 3, 2024

Questions Due By: February 6, 2024

Deadline for Submission: February 16, 2024

Submit Applications to: [email protected]

To Interested Applicants:

The USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity (hereinafter referred to as “USAID Cybersecurity Activity” or “Activity”) under this Request for Applications (RFA), is seeking applications for funding highly experienced organization which will administrate Cyber Voucher Program developed by the Activity with the goal to stimulate the development of the cyber security market in Ukraine.

The USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity, implemented by DAI Global LLC, is designed to reduce cybersecurity vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure (CI) sectors and transform Ukraine from a compromised, reactive cybersecurity actor to a proactive cybersecurity leader. Recognizing the complexity of the threat posed by Russian hybrid warfare, the Activity has adopted a multi-sector approach that engages government, businesses, and academia to improve Ukraine’s cybersecurity for CI. Through three strategic objectives, the Activity is improving the enabling environment for cybersecurity, strengthening Ukraine’s cybersecurity workforce, and stimulating market development to promote Ukrainian cybersecurity products and services.

The USAID Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure in Ukraine Activity is planning to launch a Cyber Voucher Program in 2024 to stimulate the development of the cybersecurity market in Ukraine by offering new business opportunities for providers and affordable services to eligible businesses. In the long run, the Cyber Voucher Program will encourage businesses to spend more on cybersecurity through increased awareness and trust. The Activity’s Cyber Voucher program is in line with the National Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine, under the ‘development of safe, sustainable, and reliable cyberspace’ pillar’s raising public awareness of cybersecurity component.  

Please refer to the detailed description of the program and expected achievements in Section D. Program Description of this RFA for more information. 

RFA-CCI-002_Cyber Vouchers Administration (2024)

For non-US organizations, the Standard Provisions for Non-US Nongovernmental Recipients will apply. See Annex 1 RFA-CCI-002 – Mandatory Standard Provisions

Submission Instructions

Applications must include:

  1. Completed Application Form (Annex 3)
  2. Projected Grant Budget (Annex 4)
  3. CVs of all project team members
  4. Completed Financial Capability Questionnaire (Annex 6) and attachments (g. policies)
  5. Representations and Assurances (Annex 2):

- Representation by Corporation Regarding a Delinquent Tax Liability or a Felony Criminal Conviction (per AAPD 14-03)
- Prohibition on Providing Federal Assistance to Entities that Require Certain Internal Confidentiality Agreements – Representation (May 2017)


Applications must be received electronically via email, not later than February 16, 2024, after the date of issuance indicated at the top of this cover letter at the place designated below for receipt of applications. Applications and modifications thereof shall be submitted in Microsoft Word or Excel and PDF to [email protected].

Any questions concerning this RFA should be submitted in writing not later than 10 days prior to the closing date shown above to [email protected]. Applicants should retain for their records one copy of all enclosures which accompany their application.

Award will be made to the responsible applicant(s) whose application(s) offers the best value. DAI reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted.

Thank you for your interest in the USAID Cybersecurity Activity.

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