USAID SACСI is seeking offers from established firms (private entrepreneurs) to provide the translation and interpretation services


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SACCI Project

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USAID SACСI is seeking offers from established firms (private entrepreneurs) to provide the translation and interpretation services

The USAID Support to Anti-Corruption Champion Institutions (SACCI) Program in Ukraine funded by USAID and implemented by management Systems International (MSI) is seeking offers from established firms (private entrepreneurs) to provide the translation and interpretation services for the events and for SACCI operations, to establish a BPA, for One (1) year, starting from 10 July 2019 till 09 July 2020, at fixed prices.

The required services are:

LOT 1:

  • Translation into/from English, Russian, Ukrainian
  • Interpretation into/from English, Russian, Ukrainian

LOT 2:

  • Simultaneous Translation Equipment
  • Sound Equipment (with setup and demounting of equipment services)
  • Microphones (Fixed and Wireless)
  • Audio Recording Equipment

Several bidders will be awarded. The prices will remain fixed for 12 months.

Any agreement resulting from this invitation to bid carries with it no guarantee of future business levels of translation services hereunder, and SACCI do not guarantee any minimum quantity of services.

The offerors are free to send their proposals separate for interpretation or translation services.

Each time, for the required services, SACCI will send a request in writing to the selected supplier. Based on the availability of translators/equipment, supplier will send the confirmation along with the cost of services in accordance with the prices set in the fully executed Blanket Purchase Agreement.  SACCI will issue the Purchase Order to make the final arrangements on the ordered services.

To find more information, please use the link

Quotations may be submitted on or before 18:00, 28 June 2019 via email [email protected]

Quotations submitted must be limited to a maximum of 05 MB, virus-free email transmissions.

They must be free from any form of virus or corrupted contents, or the quotations shall be rejected.

It shall remain your responsibility to ensure that your quotation will reach the address above on or before the deadline. Quotations that are received by SACCI after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation. Please be kindly ensure that the proposals are signed and in the pdf format.

Period of Validity of Quotes starting the Submission Date is 90 days.

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