“Window to Success” Women’s Career Club — програма професійного розвитку і взаємного менторства для жінок


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“Window to Success” Women’s Career Club — програма професійного розвитку і взаємного менторства для жінок

“Window to Success” Women’s Career Club is a peer mentoring professional development program developed by Rania H. Anderson, executive business coach and author of “Undeterred: The Six Success Habits of Women in Emerging Economies.” Rania Anderson is a leading authority on the career and business advancement of women in emerging economies. This is not a book club, though members will read, discuss and apply the guidance provided in the book to accelerate their professional success and support each other’s career growth. The program will be run entirely in English but you will also receive a book in Ukrainian.

By participating in the Window to Success program, you will:

  • Join a community of women with the common goal to empower and inspire each other
  • Learn the right tools and six success habits to put you ahead of the curve⁠
  • Think and talk, share and collaborate in a non-judgmental space
  • Get a set of useful materials for learning and reflection

Your role: As a member of the Window to Success group, we ask that you read the chapter, note down any questions or insights that you have before each meeting, and, most importantly, join the offline meeting twice per month with a willingness to share and reflect.

Who will meet? Up to 12 working professional women from a variety of sectors and levels of professional experience, who want to develop their careers, and regularly connect with and learn from each other.

When? The program will take place from February 23 until May 18, and we will meet both virtually and physically at America House Kyiv every 2 weeks, on Wednesday evenings from 19:00 – 20:30.

How to join? If you’re interested in this opportunity, please apply by 23:59 February 9 here.

Learn more about the program here.

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