Запит на надання пропозицій з реалізації комунікаційної кампанії з популяризації освіти та працевлаштування в сфері громадського здоров’я серед студентів (продовжено)


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тендер tender 1 (10)
Запит на надання пропозицій з реалізації комунікаційної кампанії з популяризації освіти та працевлаштування в сфері громадського здоров’я серед студентів (продовжено)

Pact is an international nonprofit that works in nearly 40 countries building solutions for human development that are evidence-based, data-driven and owned by the communities we serve. Founded in 1971, Pact works with partners to build resilience, improve accountability, and strengthen knowledge and skills for sustainable social impact. Pact Inc. is implementing a USAID-funded project Public Health System Recovery and Resilience Activity. The primary goal of PHS R&R is to strengthen the Government of Ukraine (GoU)’s capacity to prevent, detect and respond to public health threats, sustain critical public health services during a crisis, and protect the health of all Ukrainians including vulnerable and marginalized groups.

Pact seeks a communication agency to support career guidance for potential public health specialists to enhance their positioning and the public health workforce. The services requested includes development and implementation of a tailor-made communication campaign aimed at informing and engaging students of two specific target audiences (TA) on the future potential of education and employment in Public Health (PH) sphere. Communication campaign general timeline is February 2024 – August 2024 (including final reporting stage). Communication guidelines and key creative idea to be provided by Pact and supported by expert detailing and specification from Public Health Center (UPHC) involving collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of Ukraine (CDCs of Ukraine).

The goal of this communication campaign is to drive, increase and sustain the level of TA engagement into PH internship and job opportunities.

Communication campaign will be focused on 2 specific TA:

  • students of medical high educational institutions, students of the specialty 229 Public Health, future interns
  • students of other universities with potential for PH occupation – sociology, chemistry, social work, ecology, biology etc

The period of performance is from February 2024 to July 2024. The Vendor is expected to provide the detailed timeline of the activities with ambition to develop and start the communication campaign in February 2024.

Your proposal should be submitted to [email protected] until  January 30, 2024. Submissions must be forwarded in electronic format only (either PDF or Microsoft Word and Excel).

All questions or clarifications regarding this RFP must be in writing and submitted to [email protected] no later than 18.00 pm on December 25, 2023 (late questions will be answered as well).

For more information and detailed description, please see the documents attached.

RFP P4059-2023-59 Communication campaign to promote PH education and employment

RFP P4059-2023-59 Detailed Budget (Attachment 3)

Amendment 1 RFP P4059-2023-59 Communication campaign to promote PH education and employment

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Запит цінової пропозиції на обладнання (Надувний екран 4/3 з опорами, Поличка П-33 Компанет, Підвісне крісло-гойдалка кокон)

Запит цінової пропозиції на будівельні матеріали та послуги

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