Запит на проєктні пропозиції в напрямку Livelihood and Agriculture від Відділення Польської Гуманітарної Акції в Україні


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Call for proposal

FSL sector Livelihood and Agriculture component

For Local NGO in Ukraine



The armed conflict in eastern Ukraine has been going on since 2014. The local people are forced to leave their homes in search of safe shelter in other parts of the country. Humanitarian aid must be provided not only for those who have fled but also for those who are hosting displaced people and refugees. People fleeing from war are forced to abandon their previous lives and are jobless and penniless. They lack the bare essentials (food, warm clothes). One of the most vulnerable groups is children, for whom war is a traumatic experience. They need counselling and new opportunities for their education and development. Also vulnerable are elderly people, who are not able to look after themselves and satisfy their own needs in such difficult conditions.

In Ukraine, PAH provides aid to satisfy the most basic needs. We have been operating in Ukraine since 2014, and in 2015 we established a permanent mission there. Our earliest activities were an immediate response to the crisis: we helped provide medical assistance, and we delivered food baskets, hygiene kits, blankets, sleeping bags and other bare necessities. Our top priority is to support the most vulnerable groups: elderly people, women, and children. We are able to reach them thanks to our cooperation with local partners.

PAH works to support and build local capacity and ensure an existing strategy and follow the localization work stream. To reach this goal, PAH involves local administrations, local NGOs, and beneficiaries to make sure that all the community participates in activities. 

The main requirement for partners:

The purpose of this Call for Proposals is to identify eligible Ukrainian local partners for potential livelihood and agriculture activities with PAH. The goal of this cooperation is to support small businesses in agricultural sector. Organizations that wish to participate in this call for proposals are requested to submit their application to the email ([email protected]) before the closing of business on April 30, 2023. The application should be submitted in English and contain:

  • Concept Note of the project Annex 1. (mandatory)
  • Budget of the project Annex 2. (mandatory)
  • General information about partner`s capacity Annex 3. (mandatory)
  • Organization profile (portfolio of NGO`s projects). (mandatory)
  • Copy of organization registration. (mandatory)
  • Example of recent need assessment done by the organization. (mandatory)
  • Should has access to one or more of the following oblasts. (Kharkiv, Zaporizska, Mykolayvska and Dnipropetrovska) (mandatory)

Eligibility and Exclusion Criteria:

The selection of a partner is a competitive process and will be based on the below criteria:

  • The organization should be a local organization registered in Ukraine.
  • Non-governmental and humanitarian organization
  • The organization should have an active bank account at the time of application.
  • Documented experience in accessing the proposed areas and owning previous activities there.
  • Submit at least 2 references from previous organizations or entities that have worked with in the field of the humanitarian sector.

the submission which:

  • are not sent before the specified deadline;
  • do not include all required documents duly completed and signed or do not comply with specifications set in this Call for Expression of Interest;
  • are not submitted in English

will be excluded from the selection process.

Selection Process:

The submissions are assessed by the Partnership Review Committee in consultation with technical specialists, using criteria outlined before. Only the submissions which comply with the requirements of the mandatory eligibility and exclusion criteria will be eligible for further evaluation. It should be noted that participation in this Call for Proposals, does not guarantee that the organization will be ultimately selected for a partnership agreement with PAH. PAH may not be able to provide feedback during or after the end of the process for the organizations that planned to submit applications. PAH will contact the selected partner and sign an agreement in force in the field of the humanitarian sector in Ukraine, however, the partner shall comply with all the stipulated conditions and provide the necessary facilities and technical information to allow our team to fully monitor and evaluate activities that ensure the delivery of aid based on humanitarian principles.

For this Call for Proposal, PAH will prioritize the following:

  • Experience of working with small dairy farmers
  • Experience working in the East of Ukraine
  • Experience in procurement of dairy equipment for small farmers
  • Experience of working with international donors
  • Availability of staff used to working in the dairy sector in the East of Ukraine

Links to the annexes

Annex 1. Concept note

Annex 2. Budget

Annex 3. General capacity





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