Запит пропозицій на участь у тендері: Підтримка стратегічних комунікацій та зв’язків з громадськістю для партнерів TCA


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Запит пропозицій на участь у тендері: Підтримка стратегічних комунікацій та зв’язків з громадськістю для партнерів TCA

Chemonics International Inc, діючи від імені USAID та USAID Transformation Communications Activity (TCA) в Україні, запрошує компанії та організації подати пропозиції щодо участі в тендері з надання підтримки стратегічних комунікацій та зв’язків із громадкістю.

Компанії або організації повинні заявити про свою зацікавленість у поданні пропозиції щодо передбачуваного субпідряду, надіславши електронний лист на адресу [email protected] до 17:00 за Київським часом 21 травня 2021 року

Кінцевий термін подання пропозицій: до 17:00 у понеділок, 7 червня 2021 року 

Strategic Communications and Public Relations Support for TCA Partners

Dear Sir or Madam,

Chemonics, the Buyer, acting on behalf of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the USAID Transformation Communications Activity (TCA) in Ukraine, under contract number 72012120C00003 is soliciting offers from companies and organizations to submit proposals to participate with TCA to provide ad-hoc communications services and assistance on a flexible basis to support priority communications efforts of key partners such as Ukrainian government agencies and other USAID and donor-funded programs. 

 Request for Proposals (RFP): RFP-TCA-IQS-003 

Date of announcement: May 14, 2021 

Deadline for submission of proposals: 5:00PM on Monday, June 7, 2021 

 Introduction and Scope of work 

TCA partners with the GOU, private sector, and civil society to increase the resilience of Ukraine’s democracy through innovative communications initiatives that engage Ukrainians in a conversation about the country’s democratic transformation and European integration. TCA has three inter-connected objectives designed to help Ukrainian partners deliver data-driven, audience focused communications initiatives that contribute to a conversation about Ukraine’s national unity and democratic reform process. Objective 1 will inform USAID-support communications efforts through research about public opinion, audience preferences and media consumption habits, and ongoing narratives regarding key issues. Objectives 2 and 3 will support innovative communications initiatives – both strategic communications on reforms and key issues, as well as further developing the relationships and market for socially relevant educational, entertainment, and cultural content. These initiatives will be mutually reinforcing, with social impact content paving the way for reform or issue-oriented strategic communications efforts. 

Content and communications initiatives support must be credible, grounded in fact, and reinforcing of democratic norms and institutions. These initiatives will be driven Ukrainian partners and voices with a sufficient combination of political will, legitimacy, technical and/or sector capacity, and reach. TCA will develop relationships with and empower Ukrainian entities including, but not limited to, GOU stakeholders such as the Cabinet of Ministers, line ministries, or key local governments; civil-society organizations championing credible narratives around issues such as anti-corruption, reform, or reintegration; and new and established entities within Ukraine’s private creative sector and media. 

The work done under the resulting subcontract(s) from this IQS RFP will primarily support Objective 2 of TCA by supporting the development, creation, and delivery of strategic communications campaigns. In this context, strategic communications are defined as government or civil society-led efforts to inform, engage, or generate discussion or use for specific policies, issues, or causes. Subcontract(s) awarded under this IQS RFP will provide technical assistance to partners to fill gaps in key capacities and develop strategies and campaigns. This RFP will result in subcontracts awarded under the following LOTs, or sub-topics, for communications support: 

• LOT 1 – Digital Campaign: Subcontracts awarded under this LOT will provide support in the development, execution, and monitoring of strategic communications campaigns hosted on digital channels including, but not limited to, social media, online media, and web resources. Digital placement and products developed under these Subcontracts are the key components of these campaigns and serve as the basis of implementation for any other requirements of this LOT. Offerors interested in this LOT must have demonstrated expertise implementing digital campaigns to reach online audiences. This LOT will not require physical campaign products for out of home (OOH) placement. 

• LOT 2 – Creative Concept and Content: Subcontracts awarded under this LOT will be responsible for the development of creative concepts to support strategic communications campaigns. The subcontracts under this LOT will further develop content for approved creative concepts, including content that can be used for out of home advertising, etc. Offerors under this LOT must also have the capability to implement both OOH, television, radio, and digital-based campaigns. Offerors interested in this LOT must have demonstrated expertise in developing creative concepts for innovative campaigns. 

• LOT 3 – Public Relations: Subcontracts awarded under this LOT will develop public relations strategies, manage public relations, and monitor public relation campaigns for strategic communications topics. 

Chemonics anticipates issuing an award to six to eight firms – or two to four firms per LOT. The award(s) will be in the form of an indefinite quantity subcontract (IQS) with sub-task orders (STOs) issued priced on a firm fixed price basis (hereinafter referred to as “the IQS”). The successful Offeror(s) shall be required to adhere to the statement of work and terms and conditions of the IQS, which are incorporated in Section III herein. 

 Companies or organizations should indicate their interest in submitting a proposal for the anticipated subcontract by sending an email indicating their intention to the TCA Subcontracts team at

 [email protected] by 5:00PM Kyiv time on May 21, 2021

and TCA will provide interested organizations with the full text of Request for Proposals (RFP) No. RFP-TCA-IQS-003.  

 Files for your references:



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