Запит цінових пропозицій на постачання обладнання для бригад швидкого реагування


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Запит цінових пропозицій на постачання обладнання для бригад швидкого реагування

Pact is an international nonprofit that works in nearly 40 countries building solutions for human development that are evidence-based, data-driven and owned by the communities we serve. Founded in 1971, Pact works with partners to build resilience, improve accountability, and strengthen knowledge and skills for sustainable social impact. Pact Inc. is implementing a USAID-funded project Public Health System Recovery and Resilience Activity. The primary goal of PHS R&R is to strengthen the Government of Ukraine (GoU)’s capacity to prevent, detect and respond to public health threats, sustain critical public health services during a crisis, and protect the health of all Ukrainians including vulnerable and marginalized groups.

Pact seeks a Vendor to supply the Rapid Response Teams (hereinafter – RRT) equipment (for sampling, storage and transportation) in order to support the state institution “Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine” (hereinafter – the CPH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Your proposal should be submitted to [email protected] until December 14, 2023, 18.00 (Kyiv time). Submissions must be forwarded in electronic format only (either PDF or Microsoft Word and Excel).

All questions or clarifications regarding this RFQ must be in writing and submitted to [email protected] till November 20, 2023, 18.00 (Kyiv time). 

For more information, please see the documents attached.

Attachment 2 RFQ P4059-2023-55 RRT Equipment

Attachment 3 Conformity to technical specifications

Attachment 4 Technical specifications to RFQ P4059-2023-55 RRT Equipment

RFQ P4059-2023-55 RRT Equipment

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