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CLOSING DATE/TIME FOR RECEIPT OF OFFERS: July 13, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. Kyiv Time

 Solicitation 720-121-23-R-10023 for a Administrative Assistant FSN 06 Cooperating Country National Personal Services Contractor (CCN PSC).

 MARKET VALUE: Basic Annual rate (in U.S. Dollars): $ $16,888-21,954

 PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: Employment under any contract issued under this solicitation is of a continuing nature.


The job holder serves as interim or roving Administrative Assistant to Mission Offices, as assigned. The Administrative Assistant is assigned to the Mission’s Executive Office (EXO) and may report administratively to the USAID Human Resources (HR) Specialist/Assistant for assignment. When serving on assignment as an Office Administrative Assistant, day-to-day supervision will be from the appropriate organization Chief. The Administrative Assistant will perform work in lieu of administrative personnel who are ill, on vacation, or otherwise absent for varying periods of time. The Administrative Assistant will provide time and attendance (T&A) back-up and support of the Office of assignment, or to EXO/HR, as required. The formal supervisor is the Executive Officer. The Administrative Assistant may perform other office functions appropriate for their training and grade level.


Education: Minimum two (2) years of post-secondary schooling in Secretarial Science or Business Administration, or other related field equivalent is required.

Work Experience: A minimum of two (2) years of administrative, secretarial, clerical experience with U.S government agency an international organization, host-government organizations, or private-sector institutions is required.

Language Proficiency: Fluency (Level IV) in English and Ukrainian (oral and writing ability) is required.

For further details and instructions on how to apply, please see the full version of this Announcement at:  https://www.usaid.gov/ukraine/work-with-us/careers

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