Antі-Corruption Prevention Expert (National Expert), EUAСI


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Antі-Corruption Prevention Expert (National Expert), EUAСI

1 Preliminary 

1.1. Short background: 

The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs is looking for an Anti-Corruption Prevention Expert for the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI, in Ukraine implemented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (MFA) on behalf of EU. 

2 The Programme 

Corruption remains endemic in Ukraine and is an impediment to democratic development in the country, which is one of the major objectives of EU and Danish Neighbourhood policy. Thus, anti-corruption in Ukraine is a high political priority for EU and Denmark and is a foundation for other ongoing Danish and EU support to the country.

To support anti-corruption efforts, EU and Denmark have allocated EUR 15 and 7.9 million, respectively for this cause. Following broad consultation with all interested EU Member States, and taking into account the substantial experience Denmark has with governance, civil society programmes in Ukraine and the use of such arrangements, EU has decided to award the implementation of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative, Phase II in Ukraine 2020-2024 to Denmark (Denmark also implemented Phase I 2017-2020).

The overall objective of the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative Phase II is to improve the implementation of the Ukrainian anti-corruption policy by supporting the key anti-corruption state institutions: strengthening oversight of reform implementation by Parliament; and at regional and local level supporting civil society, investigative media, business and local governments, thus substantially improving Ukraine’s overall performance in the fight against corruption.

The EUACI is a value-based workplace that attaches great importance to cooperation, transparency, dedication, flexibility and high standards of ethics and integrity. 

3 The Position 

3.1 Title: Anti-Corruption Prevention Expert (National expert) 

3.2 Place of service: EUACI, Kyiv. 

3.3 Terms of Employment according to MFA staff rules and employment contract with the Danish embassy. 

3.4 Area of responsibility/tasks:  

  • Organize and coordinate work under the capacity building programme “EU Anti-Corruption Initiative in Ukraine” in the area of corruption prevention with overall reference to the Head of Unit; 
  • Work in close cooperation with the Head of Programme and organize EUACI’s capacity building work with the National Agency on Corruption Prevention (NACP) and Verkhovna Rada’s Anti-Corruption Committee, including through procurement of services, consultants and IT;
  • Provide advice and analysis on the Ukrainian anti-corruption policies, laws, draft laws and regulations; 
  • With guidance from the Head of Program and in collaboration with EUACI colleagues, provide support in the timely identification and screening of program consultants/contractors for the needed support, as well as in the creation of Terms of Reference and support in processing of contracts; 
  • Assist other EUACI staff and national and international short-term and long-term consultants with regard to Ukrainian anti-corruption policy and legislation in the Anti-Corruption Prevention Expert’s field of competence; 
  • Monitor legislative, regulatory, and policy developments in the anti-corruption domain, prepare briefs as needed; 
  • Coordinate the work of international and national consultants and product/service providers to ensure proper implementation of the EUACI work plan;
  • Review the quality of services provided by the EUACI consultants; 
  • Organize events, conferences, study tours, trainings for EUACI beneficiaries in accordance with work plans; 
  • Represent EUACI – as directed by the Management Team – in program events, meetings with donors, UN agencies, and other implementing organisations, meetings with beneficiaries and assist in program activities within the Anti-Corruption Prevention Expert field of competence;
  • Ensure the timely preparation and submission of all reporting information, reports and documentation to the EUACI Office as directed by the Management Team; 
  • Prepare and closely review procurement documents in conjunction with the Head of Administration to ensure they comply with MFA policies and procedures, and donor rules and regulations regarding programme procurements as required under this position;
  • Assist with other duties as agreed with the Management Team. 

 3.5 Success criteria: 

The key success criterion is that the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative is implemented effectively in accordance with its objectives, agreed plans, timelines, budget and that guidelines and accountability standards are respected according to guidelines of the MFA and as per the contract with EU. 

4 Demand Profile/Qualifications 

4.1 Key qualifications: 

  • University degree in law, social sciences or related field is required; 
  • 5-10 years of professional experience in the field of rule of law and/or anti-corruption activities; 
  • Experience of working with governmental agencies and/or international organisations active in the field of rule of law and/or anti-corruption will be an asset;
  • Experience in working with capacity building and procurement processes will be an advantage;
  • Excellent English and Ukrainian language written and verbal communication skills;
  • Excellent analytical skills; 
  • A self-starter, able to identify improvements to working practice, make recommendations and implement change; 
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work constructively with others on the team and live up to EUACI values;
  • Proven ability to see through tasks set and deliver results; 
  • The ability to work under pressure with tight deadlines, flexibility and an entrepreneurial spirit; 
  • Keen sense of ethics, integrity, and credibility; 
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

5 How to apply

To apply, please send your CV and a short motivation letter in English to [email protected] indicating “Anti-Corruption Prevention Expert” in the subject line.

Deadline for applications submission is 18 May 2021.

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