Аssеts Mаnagement Consultаnt – Short-Term Assignment

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Аssеts Mаnagement Consultаnt – Short-Term Assignment

Deloitte is seeking a qualified candidate to serve as an Assets Management Consultant in support of the USAID State-Owned Enterprises Reform Activity in Ukraine (SOERA). This is a short-term assistance position with the expected level of effort – 20 days per month. Estimated start date – December 1, 2024.

Project Background 

USAID SOERA program aims to strengthen public sector operations and transparency, improve governance and oversight, advance SOE privatization, and develop a strategic management model for SOEs remaining in state ownership. Smart reform and targeted privatization of Ukraine’s SOEs will reduce opportunities for corruption, increase private sector participation, and stimulate broad-based economic growth. Project components include: 

  • Component 1: State Property Transfer
  • Component 2: State Property Management
  • Component 3: Individual State-Owned Enterprises / Municipal-Owned Enterprises (SOE/MOE) Support
  • Component 4: Restoration and Reconstruction
  • Component 5: Accountable Public Financial Management

Three cross-cutting assistance areas (CCAs) that support the work of each component:

  • CCA 1: Corporate Governance
  • CCA 2: Strategic Communications
  • CCA 3: Strengthening Civil Society Role 

One of SOERA’s objectives is the efficient and transparent management of municipal property to reduce burdens on local and state budgets, increase local employment, promote private business, improve public services provided by MOEs, and make MOE and ownership entity operations more transparent and accountable. To achieve these outcomes, SOERA implements the following approaches: 

  • Advise the Verkhovna Rada, Ministry of Economy, and municipalities on national ownership policies for municipal assets.
  • Develop templates for local ownership policies and documentation needed for municipalities to manage and privatize their assets transparently.
  • Support inventories to develop a National Register of Municipal Property.
  • Support operations and governance of individual MOEs.
  • Provide training on municipal asset management, including, MOEs and privatization.
  • Support local government officials in planning and implementing R&R projects. 


Municipal Assets Management Consultant will play a pivotal role in supporting local governments and MOEs. SOERA will select the Consultant capable of providing municipalities capacity building, assistance and other tasks in asset management for SOERA selected communities. The selected Consultant will be those best positioned to contribute to the successful implementation of this SOERA activity, while demonstrating a high potential for supporting sustainable asset management improvements at the local level after SOERA’s completion.  

Key Tasks and Interventions:

  1. Deliver municipal property management technical assistance.

The Consultant will work hand-in-hand with partner municipalities to enhance asset management processes. Assistance will include but not be limited to the following steps: 

  • Problem identification. Research and analysis to identify common issues and bottlenecks encountered by 20 municipalities in managing their assets. This step will include consultations with stakeholders, including municipal authorities, property owners. 
  • Municipal Asset Management Improvement Plans: For each of the 20 partner municipalities, an analytical report will be prepared, outlining specific steps to enhance municipal property and resource management. The report will also include examples of templates and expert recommendations. 
  • Implementation support. Asset management technical assistance (TA), entailing on-site advisory support and guidance on actions to enhance assets management. The Consultant will help 23 partner municipalities to identify the most useful areas for TA. SOERA expects each partner municipality to select at least three areas on the above topics for in-depth assistance. The Consultant will assist the territorial community by providing monthly consultations to enhance asset management in TCs. 
  • Intensive support. The Consultant will assist 20 municipalities with the specifications and technical requirements for incentive support for the procurement of services from SOERA worth $50,000 for each municipality. 
  1. 2. Deliver crosscutting capacity building.
  • During implementation of SOERA’s assistance to municipalities, the Consultant will develop and deliver asset management trainings to address asset management issues. Topics will be selected based on the needs and requests of partner municipalities and other project partners. Training materials should include presentations, recommendations, tools, and templates for asset management functions. 
  1. Support creation of a National Register of Communal Property

SOERA steps to support development of this Register will include the following:

  • Stakeholder engagement. Engage stakeholders including government agencies, municipal authorities, community representatives, legal experts, and CSOs. Facilitate consultations and forums to gather inputs for establishing a National Register of Communal Property, under the umbrella of MOR and VR. Develop normative acts for Register of Communal Property implementation. 
  1. Developing normative acts, templates on asset management
  • Support legislative measures to enhance municipal asset management, including by providing reviews, inputs, and recommendations to GOU and VR.
  • Develop templates to assist with municipal asset management, enabling municipalities to efficiently manage their assets. In addition to the templates, prepare detailed guidelines to support local authorities in implementing effective asset management practices.
  1. Final report.

The consultant will prepare a final report containing information on the best practices identified during their work with the municipality, along with a description of the activities performed throughout the duration of the contract.

Position Requirements

  • A master’s degree in public administration, law, economics, finance, business administration, or a related field.
  • At least 7-10 years of relevant experience in public sector management, municipal governance, or consulting, preferably with a focus on asset management, privatization, or economic development.
  • Demonstrated experience in providing technical assistance, capacity building, and advisory services to government entities and municipalities.
  • In-depth understanding of municipal asset management principles, including leasing, privatization, property rights registration, and land management.
  • Familiarity with legislative frameworks related to municipal asset management and governance in Ukraine.
  • Familiarity with international development projects, particularly those funded by USAID or other donor agencies, would be beneficial.
  • Strong analytical skills with the ability to identify problems, conduct research, and propose actionable solutions.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively engage with government officials, stakeholders, and community members.
  • Fluency Ukrainian; knowledge of English is an asset.

Candidates are requested to send a CV and cover letter to [email protected] no later than November 1, 2024. Please indicate the following in the subject field of the email: “SOERA Аssеts Management Consultant – Application”. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.

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