Асистент – Wizard Junior для pro.mova


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Wizard Junior of Kyiv – “making sure pro.mova operates!”

We are looking for someone of strategic importance for the company, who will accommodate and protect the working environment of pro.mova. This great member of our team will know how to make sure that internet is uninterrupted, tea and cookies available in abundance and good quality, printer cartridge never runs out of toner, and different meetings do not take place in the same room at the same time. The candidate will have to be highly trustworthy: we will share some major secret knowledge like how to book train or plane tickets when they are gone, where to buy wine glasses at 4 am, and how to investigate why the Economist fails to deliver their issues on time. Negotiating skills are important to secure understanding by the beloved teammates why they have to wash their cups – or accept the consequences of lack of persuasion. This unique person is likely to often talk to great people, and sometimes engage in conversations with the famous ones, ensuring the same level of treatment to all of them. pro.mova is an equal opportunity employer so we like diversity (as long as our coffee is fresh).

There are other tasks – the list is too long to post here, but the successful applicant must know how to have a life beyond work, while having all the work things reliably taken care of.

Both spoken and written Ukrainian must be perfect, Russian and English – good, other languages can be just bearable.

And, yes, we pay for this.

Please, explain why we at pro.mova have to hire you for this position at [email protected]

We encourage candidates to apply as soon as possible, but not later than the 9th of March.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Послуги локального експерта/ки з адвокації у Миколаївській та Івано-Франківській областях

Послуги менеджера/ки з адвокації для проведення національної адвокаційної кампанії

Послуги адвокаційного/ї асистента/ки з координації та супроводу локальних та національних адвокаційних кампаній


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