Асистент/ка з комунікацій (Проєкт з безпеки людини) / Communications Assistant (Human Security Project)


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Programme Officer

Communications Assistant (Human Security Project)
Асистент/ка з комунікацій (Проєкт з безпеки людини) / Communications Assistant (Human Security Project)

The invasion of Ukraine by the military forces of Russian Federation launched on 24 February 2022, has caused severe damages to the increasingly fragile social and humanitarian situation in Ukraine, and a humanitarian disaster of a proportion not seen in Europe since 1945 is now increasingly likely to occur. While the human and -economic cost of the conflict continues to grow, the Government of Ukraine remains resilient, sustaining key government functions to ensure delivery of services for population on the move. The damage arising from the war generates significant amounts of debris as well as a huge number of unstable damaged buildings throughout the conflict areas. Many of these damaged buildings are posing a threat to public health through potential uncontrolled collapse. The large quantities of debris strewn in streets, open public spaces and on and plots will inhibit the safe return of residents, restart of businesses and public services.

UNDP, supported by the Government of Japan, is leading a crucial project to enhance human security in Ukraine amid the multidimensional crisis caused by the ongoing war. With a focus on vulnerability reduction, the project aims to restore essential infrastructure, enhance capacities in mine action and emergency response, empower local authorities, strengthen the government system for crisis management, and enable state and non-state actors for community security and human rights. The initiative spans key regions affected by the war, involving strategic partnerships with various government entities, municipal authorities, environmental organizations, and civil society. This comprehensive approach seeks to contribute significantly to the recovery and resilience of war-affected communities in Ukraine.

The Communications Assistant will provide comprehensive communications and public relations support for the UNDP’s “Promotion of Human Security in Ukraine through Responding to the Multidimensional Crisis Caused by the War,” “Transitional Recovery through Human Security” projects and associated outputs within the Energy and Environment portfolio. Collaborating with the IC on Digital Communications, project component leaders, and UNDP Country Office staff, the Communications Assistant will facilitate the timely exchange of information and efficient communication of project activities. Responsibilities include organizing events, developing written and video materials, and communicating with stakeholders. The Communications Assistant will closely collaborate with all project personnel and the UNDP Country Office team to ensure timely and high-quality fulfilment of relevant requirements, adhering to the highest standards in line with UNDP guidelines and procedures.

Requirements for candidates:

  • 3 years of experience in
  • Proficiency in multimedia content creation, including video production. 
  • Excellent written communication skills for crafting compelling narratives in various formats. 
  • Strong organizational skills for event coordination. 
  • Excellent oral and written skills; excellent writing, drafting, formulation, reporting skills. 
  • Accuracy and professionalism in document production and editing. 
  • Media experience to support the press interactions and enhance coverage of events and activities of the projects.
  • Bachelor degree or equivalent in Public Relations, Journalism, Marketing, Social Sciences, Humanities or other related fields.
  • Ukrainian, Level: Fluent, Required
  • English, Level: Working Knowledge, Required

You will have the opportunity to apply your talent while working for a noble cause. UN Volunteers receive a monthly living allowance (VLA), as well as life insurance and full health insurance.

This position comes with the following benefits and entitlements for UN Volunteers (National UN Volunteer Specialist):

  • Monthly Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) (equivalent in UAH): USD 1587
  • Medical and life insurance: Cigna Private Insurance
  • Annual leave: 30 days
  • Certified sick leave: 30 days annually
  • Uncertified sick leave: 7 days annually
  • Learning leave: 10 days annually

To apply for a vacancy, please first register on the UN Volunteers platform https://app.unv.org/ and send an application using this link: https://app.unv.org/opportunities/1743505809078528

The final date to apply is December 28 inclusive.

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