Capacity Development consultant/ Консультант(-ка) з організаціного розвитку


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вакансія vacancy job
Capacity Development consultant/ Консультант(-ка) з організаціного розвитку

Women of Ukraine: heard, capable, resilient is a 5-years Project implemented by Pact Inc with support of Canadian embassy. Its ultimate outcome is Increased enjoyment of human rights by women and girls and the advancement of gender equality in Ukraine. Pact Inc seeks for Capacity Development consultant to implement the following activities:

1) Provide support with development of curricula for trainings of trainers on organizational capacity development for women’s rights organizations.

2) Provide support with conducting trainings of trainers on organizational capacity development for women’s rights organizations.

PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE: January 13, 2019 – April 2, 2020



Minimum 7 years of experience in capacity development for civil society organizations in Ukraine.

Experience in developing training curricula and conducting trainings (with the focus on adult learning techniques).

Strong writing and oral skills in both Ukrainian and English.

Strong facilitation and communication skills.

To apply please send cover letter and CV to [email protected] no later than January 3, 2020. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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