Domestic Violence Expert до Alinea International


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Domestic Violence Expert до Alinea International

 The Canada-Ukraine Police Development Project (CUPDP) is a three-year initiative that runs from July 2019 to June 2022, with funding in the amount of $6.5 million from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) through its Peace and Stabilization Operations Program (PSOP). The initiative builds on the foundation and trust established by Alinea International with police authorities and international partners, including the Canadian Police Mission in Ukraine (CPMU).


Title:                            Domestic Violence Expert

Project:                        Canada-Ukraine Police Development Project (CUPDP)

Level of Effort:             7.5 hours per day

Duration:                     September 13, 2021 – March 30, 2022

Posting Location:          Kyiv, Ukraine


About Alinea International:

Alinea is one of Canada’s leading international development firms, providing management and technical expertise to developing and transitional country partners on projects that promote sustainable growth and meaningful opportunities for people to improve their lives. Over the past 30 years, we have implemented over 370 projects in more than 65 countries.

Position Summary

The Canada-Ukraine Police Development Project (CUPDP) is a three-year initiative that runs from July 2019 to June 2022, with funding in the amount of $6.5 million from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) through its Peace and Stabilization Operations Program (PSOP). The initiative builds on the foundation and trust established by Alinea International with police authorities and international partners, including the Canadian Police Mission in Ukraine (CPMU).

A Domestic Violence Expert will serve as a member of the project team based in Kyiv, Ukraine and work with members of the team responsible for community policing. This individual will provide consultative and technical support to the CUPDP team and will work with a number of Canadian short-term technical advisors and trainers as well as partners of the National Police of Ukraine (NPU) and Ministry of Internal Affairs (MoIA) to ensure effective cooperation and coordination of domestic violence prevention activities.

A Domestic Violence Expert will report to Project Director and Community Policing Component Lead.

Indicative Duties and Responsibilities

As part of this assignment, the Domestic Violence Expert will be responsible for the need’s assessment, planning and implementation of domestic violence prevention component of the CUPDP project and will include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • coordinate activities regarding domestic violence prevention in cooperation with national and international stakeholders;
  • sustain the development and implementation of Domestic Violence Support Framework in the partnership with the NPU and international partners;
  • design and implement domestic violence training modules and workshops agenda at the national level and for local communities;
  • contribute to development of online tools and other mechanisms to prevent domestic violence in cooperation with the NPU;
  • develop recommendations and assist in implementation of domestic violence information campaigns;
  • review and analyze domestic violence legal documents, analytical data and international experience.

Interested applicants, please submit your CV and cover letter to [email protected] and indicate a position you apply to in the e-mail subject line. Application deadline – September 3, 2021



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