Експерт з розвитку потенціалу Національної Поліції України з питань захисту дітей


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Механізм підтримки фахівців для реформ оголошує вакансію Експерта з розвитку потенціалу Національної Поліції України з питань захисту дітей.

Professionals for Reform Support Mechanism (PRSM) provides human resource support – from managers to technical experts – to critical reform initiatives undertaken by national governmental agencies. PRSM is a multi-donor platform, which improves coordination of donor efforts for greater impact and avoids overlap of donor funding. It does not support routine work of the Government of Ukraine that is normally managed by the civil service.

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is implementing child protection reform and improving the efficiency of National Police units operating in this field. The reform aims at unifying the regulations governing their activity that contain necessary changes in the part covering child protection.

In order to strengthen the system of child protection and improving the efficiency of National Police units operating in this field there is a necessity to prepare unified regulations governing their activity that contain necessary changes in the part covering child protection.

Position Summary:
YOUTH POLICE CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT EXPERT will support the Ministry of Internal Affairs in developing capacity of the National Police in child protection. The Expert will work closely with the Ministry reform team and respective departments of the Ministry and National Police to ensure by the end of his/her assignment broad stakeholder engagement in designing the training models and action plan, as well as ensure its sustainable implementation.

Preferred Qualifications and Skills:

  • Degree in Law, Education, Human resources, Public Administration or any other relevant education degree;
  • Experience in training programs drafting;
  • Experience in project management, project administration, project design is an asset;
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Professional knowledge of Ukrainian and English.

Contract Duration and Timing:
The total duration of the consultancy is expected to be 3 months with duty station in Kyiv.

For more detailed information about preferred qualifications and skills, indicative duties and responsibilities, as well as applying procedure, please visit our web-site:


Останні публікації цього розділу:

Тренер/ка з питань самозайнятості та підприємництва (Вінниця)

Послуги тренера/ки для підтримки швидкого економічного відновлення українських муніципалітетів  

Фахівець/чиня з аналітики та звітності

HR менеджер/ка

Аналітик/иня з Питань Житлових Прав Ветеранів Війни

Національний/а Керівник/ця Відділу Інформаційних та Комунікаційних Технологій