Експерт/ка для підготовки плану з управління безпекою / Expert for Security Management Plan development


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Експерт/ка для підготовки плану з управління безпекою / Expert for Security Management Plan development

WOCCU is seeking proposals for the development of a Security Management Plan for a USAID funded project based in Ukraine. 

1. Background 

The Credit for Agriculture Producers (CAP) Project, implemented by World Council of Credit Unions (WOCCU) and funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), seeks to revitalize the credit union sector in Ukraine by creating a more transparent legal and regulatory framework for credit union operations in Ukraine to both promote growth and reduce risks, while improving access to finance for agricultural and rural micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through credit unions.

2. Scope of Work 

Through this engagement, WOCCU is seeking experienced service providers to develop a Security Management Plan, expanding on WOCCU’s existing resources, aligned with USAID regulations for our project activities in Ukraine. WOCCU currently operates out of office locations in Kyiv with occasional local staff travel that may be considered during the analysis.

The Security Management Plan needs to be conceptually realistic in Ukraine and for the characteristics of the project, achievable in terms of resources and effort, and proportionate to the project’s risk exposure. The plan should include:

  1. Contextual and threat analysis that provides the picture of the security risk environment present in Ukraine, the main drivers of risk, and how the project’s nature and operating footprint may increase or reduce vulnerability to risk. 
  2. Security risk management approach that ties into this threat and vulnerability analysis to mitigate risks.
  3. A description of the organizational structure and associated roles and responsibilities of those responsible for security risk and emergency management and including how these integrate with headquarters / regional teams as relevant.
  4. A description of the overarching security incident response and management process (from initial notification through to the implementation of a planned course of response/action).
  5. A description of mechanisms used to track changes in the security risk environment and the triggering of associated actions related to a ‘tightening’ or ‘loosening’ of the project’s security posture.
  6. A description of the emergency communications approach to be used to enable the project to communicate quickly to staff in the event of an emergent threat and that allows staff to communicate in the event of a security incident affecting them or their locality.
  7. A description of the approach taken to training and exercising all staff in support of secure project operations (including local incident management team training and exercising, personal security awareness and response and ongoing security awareness briefings).
  8. A description of the approach to travel risk management – including journey management.
  9. A description of the approach to physical security of premises (offices, compounds, warehouses, residences, etc.), including the nature of contracted guardforce and other security services, approach to access control and visitor management.
  10. Contingency planning for relevant emergency situations such as – 
  • Abductions or illegal detention, 
  • Evacuation, 
  • Emergency medical care, 
  • Psycho-social support for staff impacted by serious crimes or personal violence, 
  • Sexual assault, 
  • Armed attack, 
  • Reporting and prosecution options, etc., and 
  • Risk mitigation measures, which address specific needs based on analysis of proposed program areas. 

11. An incident reporting system that meets the abovementioned requirements. This system should include: a Serious Incident Report (SIR); an Incident Report (IR); and a Situation Report (SITREP). More information about each type of report will be provided to the selected consultant. 

Even though a formal interview process is not envisioned as part of this consultancy, holding conversations with security heads from similar organizations working in Ukraine to identify good practices and/or lessons learned is encouraged.  

3. Deliverables

  • Comprehensive Security Management Plan that complies with USAID requirements for the project, including all associated protocols and standard operating procedures. 
  • Plan in English required. Additional version in Ukrainian preferred.  

4. Period of Performance 

October 2023

5. Qualifications 

  • Extensive experience creating security management plans for large international donor-funded programs, which activities include staff travel within Kyiv.
  • Knowledge and experience creating travel and evacuation plans from Ukraine for non-Ukrainian citizens. 
  • Currently based in Ukraine, preferred.  
  • Fluency in English and Ukrainian required.  

6. Application 

Qualified candidates must submit the following information. Only complete applications will be considered:  

  1. Executive summary detailing relevant work experience and qualifications for this assignment, including CV(s) of proposed key personnel. 
  2. Proposed approach and schedule/timeline of services (estimated level of effort for the assignment is 20 business days, pending work plan developed in coordination with the selected consultant/firm) 
  3. Budget for proposed services, disaggregated by categories, and including proposed rate indicated in daily format. 
  4. Contact information of 3 references  

Application materials should be submitted via email with the subject line “Ukraine Security Plan” to [email protected]. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact [email protected]. The Consultant must comply with WOCCU and donor rules and regulations. 

Deadline to Submit Application: September 28, 2023; 5:00 pm EST 


This bid solicitation in no way obligates World Council of Credit Unions to award a contract, nor does it commit World Council of Credit Unions to pay any costs incurred in the preparation and submission of the bid. World Council of Credit Unions reserves the right to vary any part of this bid solicitation at the time of award if it becomes necessary.  

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Вакансія: Inclusion Advisor

Вакансія: Facilities and Inventory Management Lead

DAI Global LLC шукає Technical Copy Editor

Press and Media Coordinator - Посольства США

Public Health Specialist (Strategic Information) - Посольство США

Administrative Assistant in the Community Liaison Office (Посольство США)