Експерт(ка) для підготовки публікації щодо міжнародного досвіду управління та використання європейських фондів відновлення. Рекомендації для України


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Viktoriia Buriak

Експерт(ка) для підготовки публікації щодо міжнародного досвіду управління та використання європейських фондів відновлення. Рекомендації для України

Assignment: Preparing a Publication Entitled: The International Experiences of Local & Regional Authorities in the Absorption of Recovery & EU Funds: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Ukraine as they Prepare for Recovery & EU Membership.

Location:      Ukraine, UCORD’s Pilot Oblasts

Start Date:   August 2023

Duration:      8 Weeks


Ukraine’s Cohesion and Regional Development Project, UCORD is a technical assistance project supported by Switzerland through the Swiss Cooperation Office in Ukraine (SDC) and implemented by the consultancy company NIRAS Sweden AB.

UCORD aims at citizens, businesses and public authorities to contribute and equally benefit from recovery actions and coherent regional development that fosters improved quality of life, resilience, peace and social cohesion in Ukraine. The project will work in 4 pilot oblasts of Ukraine: Khmelnytska, Sumska, Ternopilska, Vinnytska oblasts as the starting points, targeting capacity development and awareness-raising initiatives spread through the whole country. UCORD consists of three components:

Component 1 embeds the regional policy development in Ukraine through supporting and strengthening the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) in pilot oblasts. More about the role of RDAs as per the Ukrainian legislation is presented in Annex 1 herewith.
Component 2 seeks to improve public services delivery in WASAW (water supply, sanitation and waste management) sector with a focus on the environment.
Component 3 aims at the construction of social cohesion through culture, dialogue and creative industries.


The purpose of this Terms of Reference (ToR) is to outline the objectives, scope, and methodology for a study that aims to explore the experiences of local and regional authorities in two distinct contexts: (1) countries undergoing recovery and reconstruction efforts post-conflict or disaster, and (2) pre-accession and new EU member states absorbing EU funding. The study will focus on the administrative absorption capacity (specifically their readiness to plan, identify and prepare projects) of local and regional authorities in these contexts, providing insights into their experiences, lessons learned, and recommendations for improving absorption capacity. The findings will contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of Ukrainian local and oblast authorities in post-conflict recovery and EU funding absorption.


The primary objectives of this study are as follows:

  • To explore the experiences of local and regional authorities in pre-accession and new EU member states in absorbing EU funding, specifically examining their administrative absorption capacity[1].
  • To identify the challenges and best practices associated with administrative capacity in the two contexts.
  • To provide recommendations for enhancing the administrative absorption capacity of local and oblast authorities in Ukraine aiming to improve their effectiveness in utilizing funding for recovery, development, and sustainable growth. 


The study will focus on the following areas:

  1. Analysis of the administrative absorption capacity of local and regional authorities in countries (2) undergoing recovery and reconstruction efforts post-conflict or disaster, particularly examining their experiences in preparing for, managing and utilizing significant funding for recovery, reconstruction, infrastructure development, and socio-economic revitalization.
  1. Exploration of the experiences of local and regional authorities in the pre-accession and new EU member states (2) in absorbing EU funding, with a specific focus on their administrative and financial absorption capacity, including the ability to plan, coordinate, design, finance, and implement EU-funded programs and projects.
  1. Examination of the institutional frameworks (including the role played by RDAs[2]) in coordination and delivery mechanisms, capacity-building initiatives, and financial management systems employed by local and regional authorities in both post-conflict / disaster scenarios and pre-accession and new EU member states.
  1. Identification of the key challenges and barriers faced by local and regional authorities in absorbing funding, in the specific contexts of post-conflict/disaster recovery efforts and EU accession.
  1. Analysis of best practices and successful strategies employed by local and regional authorities in both contexts to enhance their absorption capacity, effectively utilize funding and promote sustainable development and long-term impact.
  1. Analysis of local and regional authorities in Ukraine: The study will examine the administrative and absorption capacity of decentralised authorities in UCORD pilot oblasts in Ukraine, including local communities such as rural, urban, growth centres and oblast authorities. The focus will be on understanding their readiness to plan, identify and prepare projects to absorb funding for recovery efforts and EU funding.
  1. Compare the capacity of local and regional authorities in Ukraine to international experiences and draw lessons for the Ukrainian context.
  1. Development of recommendations for Ukraine focusing on strengthening its administrative absorption capacity and improving coordination and delivery mechanisms.


The study will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. The methodology will include the following steps:

  1. Literature review: Conduct a comprehensive desktop review of academic literature, reports, evaluations, and policy documents related to the administrative and financial absorption capacity of local and regional authorities in post-conflict countries and new EU member states.
  2. Case studies: Undertake in-depth case studies of two post-conflict Countries that have experienced a violent and destructive conflict or a natural disaster (Bosnia & Herzegovina & Albania) to examine the experiences of local and regional authorities in absorbing significant funding for recovery and reconstruction. Additionally, conduct two case studies in new EU member states (Romania & Croatia) to understand the experiences of local authorities in absorbing EU funding.
  3. Stakeholder interviews: Conduct interviews with key stakeholders, including local and regional government officials, representatives from international organizations, development practitioners, and experts with experience in post-conflict recovery and EU funding absorption.
  4. Data collection: Collect primary data through surveys, focus group discussions, and interviews with selected authorities in Ukraine, representing various types of local self-governments such as rural, urban, growth centres, and oblast authorities in the UCORD pilot oblasts. The data collection process will involve assessing their administrative absorption capacity.
  5. Comparative analysis: Analyse the collected data from Ukrainian local and regional authorities and compare it with international experiences in Countries that have experienced a violent and destructive conflict or a natural disaster and in post-conflict countries and new EU member states. This comparative analysis will identify similarities, differences and challenges.
  6. Development of recommendations: Based on the analysis of findings, develop recommendations for enhancing the absorption capacity of local and regional authorities in Ukraine. These recommendations will be informed by international experiences and tailored to the specific needs and context of Ukrainian local and regional authorities.
  7. Publication: Prepare a comprehensive publication that summarizes the findings, lessons learned, and recommendations for Ukraine based on the study’s objectives.


The study will result in the following deliverables:

  1. Workplan. Prepare a work plan to guide the delivery of this assignment
  1. A detailed publication documenting the findings of the study, including an analysis of the experiences of (1) countries that have experienced a violent conflict or a natural disaster and (2) EU candidate countries and new member states in absorbing recovery and EU funds, lessons learned, and recommendations for Ukraine.
  1. An executive summary highlighting the key findings and recommendations for policymakers and stakeholders.
  1. Presentation of the study findings and recommendations to relevant stakeholders.

All deliverables will be in Ukrainian and English.


The study is expected to be completed within two months from the project initiation date.

Key Qualifications of the Consultant[3]

The consultant undertaking this study should possess the following qualifications:

  • Expertise in Local Governance: The consultant should have a deep understanding of local and regional governance structures and processes, including the roles and responsibilities of local and oblast authorities in Ukraine.
  • Knowledge of Funding Mechanisms and Absorption Capacity: The consultant should have a solid understanding of funding mechanisms, such as international grants and loans, EU funds, and their associated absorption requirements.
  • Research and Analytical Skills: The consultant should possess strong research and analytical skills to conduct literature reviews, case studies, and data analysis. The ability to synthesize complex information, identify patterns, and draw relevant conclusions is crucial.
  • Strong Communication and Report Writing Skills: The consultant should have excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, to effectively engage with stakeholders, conduct interviews, and present findings. The ability to prepare clear and concise reports is essential.
  • Stakeholder Engagement and Interviewing Experience: The consultant should have experience in conducting stakeholder interviews and engaging with local government officials, development practitioners, and other relevant stakeholders. This includes the ability to establish rapport, ask insightful questions, and gather valuable insights.
  • Knowledge of Best Practices and Lessons Learned: The consultant should be familiar with international best practices and lessons learned in the field of administrative and financial absorption capacity of local authorities. This knowledge will help inform recommendations and strategies for enhancing absorption capacity.
  • Advanced Degree and Professional Experience: The consultant should hold an advanced degree in a relevant field such as public administration, international development, or a related discipline. Substantial professional experience in the field of local governance of at least 10 years is required.
  • Language Proficiency: Proficiency in both Ukrainian and English is essential.


The expert reports to UCORD Deputy Project Leader & Regional Development Adviser.

Proposal Submission

Interested consultants or consulting firms are invited to submit a proposal that includes the following information:

a) Technical Proposal:

  • Understanding of the study objectives, scope, and methodology.
  • Proposed approach and methodology for data collection, analysis, and reporting.
  • Demonstrated expertise and relevant experience in conducting similar studies
  • CVs of key personnel highlighting their qualifications and experience.
  • Timeline for the study, including key milestones and deliverables.
  • Any additional suggestions or considerations for the successful completion of the publication

 b) Financial Proposal:

  • A detailed breakdown of costs, including consultancy fees, travel expenses, data collection costs, and report production.
  • Any additional costs or expenses that may be incurred during the study.

 c) References:

  • Contact details of three references from previous clients who can provide insights into the quality of the consultant’s work. 

The proposals should be submitted electronically in PDF format to [email protected]  no later than 30.07.2023. The subject line of the email should state “Proposal for Study on Experiences of Local Authorities in Post-Conflict Countries and New EU Member States Absorbing EU Funding.” 


The budget allocation for this study should be clearly outlined in the financial proposal. The proposed budget should cover all costs associated with the study, including consultancy fees, travel expenses, data collection costs, report production, and any other relevant expenses. The budget should be reasonable, cost-effective, and in line with the proposed methodology and scope of the publication.

[1] Our focus is the readiness of local and regional authorities to plan, identify and prepare projects.

[2] The role of the RDAs play in improving the administrative capacity at local and regional level

[3] The term consultant can either refer to an individual or a company.


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