Експерт/ка з моніторингу гуманітарних проєктів / Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Expert

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Експерт/ка з моніторингу гуманітарних проєктів / Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Expert

Компанія Делойт в Україні шукає кваліфікованих кандидатів на позицію Експерта з моніторингу у Програму стороннього моніторингу (TPM) проєктів міжнародного співробітництва/гуманітарної допомоги в Україні.

Залежно від рівня знань і досвіду експерт може претендувати на посади старшого, середнього або молодшого рівня в команді моніторингу. Контракти будуть укладатися на строк від 3 до 7 місяців.

Deloitte Ukraine is seeking qualified candidates for a large-scale multi-year potential project related to Third-Party Monitoring Program (TPM) of international cooperation/humanitarian assistance projects in Ukraine funded by a European organization.  

Position Description

The Project requires full cycle TPM support of a series of projects in the area of economic recovery, public service (healthcare, education, energy, etc.), government reforms, security and protection of population, and other areas, implemented by various Implementing Partners (IPs) in Ukraine. 

Depending on the level of knowledge and experience, the expert might qualify for senior, mid-level or junior positions within TPM team and lead/support the following activities/tasks:

  • Designing and set up of monitoring frameworks for different projects and programs with close collaboration with implementing partners and donor.
  • Collection of qualitative and quantitative data, including input, activity, output, outcome level data through desktop search, on-site visits, assets verifications, interviews with beneficiaries and stakeholders etc.
  • Development of manuals and tools for data collections and monitoring. 
  • Preparation of periodic monitoring reports, presentation of insights, regular briefing of donor’s and implementing partners’ management (in Ukraine and abroad).
  • Quality assurance of monitoring reports and all deliverables.
  • Communication with IPs, subcontractors, TPM specialists to ensure proper site visits and data collection.
  • Preparation and presentation of monitoring findings and recommendation to donor and IPs for learning and accountability purpose; support better programs steering and evidence-based learning.
  • Organization of Monitoring-Evaluation-Learning (MEL) events in Kyiv.


For Senior positions:

  • Higher university degree in political or social sciences, economics or related field.
  • Strong experience in management of development/implementation/TPM of different humanitarian/international cooperation project for international organization in conflict-affected areas, including Ukraine.
  • Strong understanding of TPM and MEL-related concepts and practical implementation matters.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills in Ukrainian and English.
  • Relevant experience in cooperation and communication with government organizations, NGOs, CSOs.
  • Relevant experience in data analysis and management in TPM, knowledge of relevant IT tools.
  • Strong team management skills.
  • Excellent planning and time management skills.
  • Expertise in sectors related to reconstruction and recovery, public services, security and protection of civilians, gender and climate will be an asset.

For mid-level and junior positions:

  • Higher university degree.
  • Relevant experience in data collection, processing and analysis in the context of humanitarian/development projects of international organizations.
  • Relevant experience in MEL activities related to humanitarian/development projects of international organizations.
  • Fluent Ukrainian, knowledge of English will be an asset.
  • Ability to work well in a team.
  • Strong communication skills.
  • Expertise in sectors related to reconstruction and recovery, public services, security and protection of civilians, gender and climate will be an asset.

Qualified candidates are expected to send their CVs and two reference contacі to [email protected] and [email protected] no later than, February 20, 2025. Please indicate the following in the subject field of the email: “TPM expert”. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview.

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