Фахівець/фахівчиня з моніторингу та оцінки

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Фахівець/фахівчиня з моніторингу та оцінки

Enabel is the Belgian development agency. Our mission is to build a sustainable world where all live under the rule of law and are free to thrive. With our partners, we offer solutions addressing pressing global challenges – Climate Change, Social and Economic Inequalities, Urbanisation, Peace and Security, Human Mobility – and promoting Global Citizenship.  

We have over 25 years’ experience in areas ranging from education and health care to agriculture, environmental protection, digitalisation, employment and governance. Enabel’s expertise is eagerly sought-after by partners around the globe – ranging from the Belgian government, the European Union, governments of other countries and the private sector. We work with civil society, research institutes as well as businesses and we foster fruitful interaction between development policy and other areas.  

With over 2,100 staff, Enabel manages more than 200 projects in more than twenty countries, in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. 

The war in Ukraine has caused extensive destruction, damaging civilian infrastructure, dismantling communities and displacing millions of people both within and outside the country. Belgium has expressed its strong commitment to support the Ukrainian people in mitigating the impacts of the war and to contribute to the reconstruction efforts.  

We opend the position of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer

JOB Description

Guarantee the existence, quality, reliability and adaptation of the results monitoring and learning system at the level of each intervention/sub-portfolio/portfolio.

Ensure that the interventions/sub-portfolios/portfolios have relevant information about results and actually use it for decision-making, learning and rendering accounts of results achieved against the fixed objectives

Results area 1: As Expert put in place a system for monitoring the results of the intervention/sub-portfolio/portfolio in order to have all necessary information to:

  • Follow the effects of change and the performance
  • Generate the necessary data to support decision-making and strategic planning
  • Facilitate the learning dynamic, research-action and knowledge-building
  • Render accounts of the development results achieved, reports and evidenced-based evaluations.

Main tasks:

  • In association with the partner(s) and the intervention/sub-portfolio team, analyse the ‘information needs’ on the basis of the intervention/subportfolio/portfolio document (TFF/TAD)
  • Confirm and operationalise the indicators by identifying the qualitative and quantitative methods needed for measuring the results and human and financial resources for realising these measures
  • Strong proposals with a view to innovate approaches, particularly in fragile contexts
  • Integrate the monitoring of the transversal dimensions (digitisation, gender, environment, decent work…)
  • Develop and put in place the planning and necessary data collection tools to ensure the collection of data
  • Put in place a framework/committee for analysing the data collected and a quality assurance system
  • Complete the monitoring matrix, based on the above, and elaborate the intervention/sub-portfolio/portfolio’s monitoring manual, in accordance with the Enabel Results-based management policy and the guidelines in the matter.

Results area 2: As Advisor-Analyst – Monitoring advise the people in charge of MEL within the intervention/sub-portfolio/portfolio in order to provide each indicator with information and to be able to use the information generated by the MEL system to:

  • Follow up progress on change effects and performance against fixed objectives,
  • Support strategic decision-making,
  • Promote learning,
  • Render accounts of development results achieved,
  • Promote quality reporting.

Main tasks:

  • Prepare the data and check the quality of data so that they can be analysed jointly with the intervention/sub-portfolio/portfolio team
  • Challenge the data analysis/interpretation at set standard development results monitoring and reporting times
  • Support learning during implementation, action-research by collecting relevant data and entering these in the MEL system
  • Support knowledge-building
  • Check the quality of the MEL system proposed by the partner, prior to approving a grant

Results area 3: As Advisor-Analyst – Learning organise and support learning activities in order to ensure that lessons are drawn, that the relevant experiences from execution are capitalised on and disseminated, in accordance with Enabel RBM guidelines and in particular with the principles of the Learning note.

Main tasks:

  • Identify – as soon as the monitoring system is put in place and throughout the intervention’s execution, whenever opportunities arise – themes for knowledge building and questions for provisional evaluations
  • Ensure that the collection of data on these learning questions is integrated in the monitoring system and supports action-research
  • Organise and accompany the knowledge-building initiatives
  • Ensure that relevant and useful formats for knowledge-building are created
  • Capitalise on good practices in the MEL domain
  • Share and promote the tools developed

Results area 4: As promoter promote a results-oriented culture and ensure that management for development results becomes a shared responsibility in order for Enabel as an organisation to be recognised for its development results.

Main tasks:

  • Train/coach/accompany all staff members, including partner organisations, in management for development and in continuous learning
  • Create an atmosphere that is conducive to having the whole management and technical team of the programme take on responsibility for achieving the development results (a shared responsibility);
  • Disseminate, with the assistance of the communication department, the development results achieved at different (national, All Enabel) levels
  • Disseminate, with the assistance of the communication department, the knowledge-building outputs via various channels

Results area 5: As networker network with RBM/MEL resource persons of Enabel and other organisations in order to continuously learn, share lessons learned, get information about recent MEL evolutions and adopt an innovative attitude.

Main tasks:

  • Collaborate within RBM/MEL Communities of Practice within Enabel and on innovative monitoring and learning approaches that are focusing on development results
  • Network with MEL resource persons in results monitoring and learning of other programmes of Enabel in the country and sub-region;
  • Get involved in sector initiatives in the country about results monitoring
  • Align with the Communication officer at the Enabel Representation

Results area 6: As facilitator build partner entity capacity in order to contribute to the improvement of their organisation, processes and systems and of their staff’s competences.

Main tasks:

  • Evaluate the maturity of the MEL system of the partner entities
  • Advise partner entities on actions to be taken to improve their management as well as how to implement these actions
  • Facilitate the change process
  • In association with the partners, adapt the organisational structure, optimise the processes, improve the systems and strengthen staff competences


Master’s degree.

EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FOR THE JOB • Minimum 3 years of professional experience in monitoring & evaluation in various development interventions



Proven expertise in M&E methodologies, including existing approaches and theories, norms and standards, sampling methods, quantitative and qualitative methods, quality and validity of data, analysis and interpretation of data

Expertise in measurement of progress indicators, in reporting and in learning processes (action research, outcome mapping…)

Knowledge of methods for validating the strength/ reliability of a quantitative tool and approach to measure effects

Ability of carrying out rigorous desk reviews/ benchmarks

Insight in MEL themes and particularly in monitoring development projects

Information (data) management and knowledge management skills

Good IT skills (spreadsheet, word-processing)

Good analytical and synthesis and communication skills

Good organisational skills

Sense of responsibility and initiative;

The job needs a high level of written and spoken English 


Please send your CV at [email protected]


Останні публікації цього розділу:

Директор/ка проєкту «Механізм швидкого реагування» / Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) Project Director

Асистент/ка проекту/ Project assistant Карітас Чеської Республіки

Старший проєктний менеджер/ка_Тім Лід (модернізація мережі та інфраструктура), Міністерство освіти і науки України

Фахівець(чиня) з закупівель і логістики/Procurement and Logistics Officer

Асистент_ка із закупівель/Procurement Assistant