Finances and Administration Оfficer


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Mukwege Foundation

Finances and Administration Оfficer

About Us

The Dr Denis Mukwege Foundation is an international human rights organisation working together with survivors of wartime sexual violence from around the world. Established in 2016, with headquarters in the Hague and Geneva, the Dr. Denis Mukwege Foundation supports survivors’ demands for a world where sexual violence as a weapon of war is no longer tolerated, and bears consequences for individual perpetrators and states. We work for a future where survivors receive the holistic care & compensation, they need to rebuild their lives. We create opportunities for survivors to speak out and be heard, and where they can organise to create change, influence policies, and demand justice and accountability. 

We are working towards a future where sexual violence in conflict is no longer seen as inevitable but is recognised for what it is: a crime that should have consequences. We want the international community to draw a line against wartime sexual violence and to hold states and individuals accountable. See also


The Mukwege Foundation’s programme portfolio in Ukraine expanding, and thus we are recruiting additional capacity to better support ongoing survivor-centred holistic care programmes in Ukraine.

This is an excellent opportunity for candidates from financial, legal, administrative, and/or logistics fields with experience providing administrative and financial support to NGO projects. Candidates must be fluent in Ukrainian and have advanced spoken and written English, and 5 years of relevant experience. This role will be based in Kyiv, or remotely based with in-country travel to and within Ukraine expected.

This is an exciting opportunity to join a growing and dynamic organisation and support the continued roll-out of a survivor-centred holistic approach to care.   

Job overview

In addition to its work connecting survivors in a global movement and supporting the work of national survivor networks, the Mukwege Foundation (MF) collaborates closely with its sister organisation in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Panzi Foundation DRC, to roll out Panzi’s holistic One-Stop-Centre (OSC) model of care for survivors of sexual violence in other conflict-affected countries. This international roll-out includes 1) capacity-building efforts using a linking and learning approach, 2) financial and other support to national and local multisectoral actors in the provision of holistic care to survivors of sexual violence and conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) and 3) advocacy on national, regional and international levels.

Since 2018, MF has been engaged in Ukraine, working closely with its partner, the Eastern Ukrainian Centre for Civic Initiatives (EUCCI) and the Ukrainian arm of the Global Network of Survivors of Conflict-carolinRelated Sexual Violence (SEMA Ukraine). Since the start of the crisis in February 2022, the Foundation has been supporting members of this network and the work of EUCCI to facilitate access to shelter for displaced persons and survivors. In April 2022, under the invitation of the Commissioner for Gender Equality Policy, a joint scoping mission was conducted by the Global Survivors Fund (GSF) and the Mukwege Foundation (MF) to assess how best the sister organisations could support Ukraine in strengthening a holistic approach to the prevention and response of CRSV.

Based on the findings and recommendations emerging from this mission and overall scoping efforts, on the 19th of July 2022, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine and Apparatus of the Government Commissioner for Gender Equality Policy entered a Framework Agreement with the Mukwege Foundation and the Global Survivors Fund, outlining areas of cooperation, strategy and engagement amongst all parties for a period of one year.  

MF has since begun laying the groundwork of its survivor-centred holistic care programme in Ukraine. 

The main responsibility of the Fin/Admin Officer will be to provide administrative and logistics support for the implementation of this MF’s country programme in Ukraine, in close collaboration with Ukrainian survivors, governmental and civil-society counterparts and other national and international partners. The Fin/Admin Officer will receive supervision from the Programme Manager in Ukraine and technical guidance from the Mukwege Foundation team based in the Netherlands. He or she will be responsible for the preparation of relevant contracts including for partners, consultants and others using existing MF templates, maintaining and updating bookkeeping of all income and expenditures and preparing monthly financial reports. The Officer is also responsible to support the in-country team, short-term experts and MF visitors with the fin/admin/logistical preparation of all programme activities, including travel.



  • Responsible for documenting and archiving in-country expenses and preparing monthly financial reports for submission to HQ.
  • Responsible for contributing to financial proposals and reports for donors and different projects.
  • Responsible for ensuring and accompanying partners and consultants in the use of relevant MF financial tools (budget, financial report, expense claim forms and templates).
  • Responsible for ensuring the sound financial execution of project activities by MF or by partners.
  • Responsible for updating relevant financial tracking information, including MF’s expense tracker tool.

Administration and Logistics

  • Responsible for the development of partner contracts and sub-grantee agreements with relevant international and national partners based on existing MF templates.
  • Responsible for supporting the Programme Manager with procurement procedures and processes in line with donor and internal requirements.
  • Responsible for ensuring secure and up-to-date archiving of all relevant office documentation on MF Sharepoint.
  • Responsible for ensuring the financial, logistical and administrative requirements of travel for in-country teams, visiting experts and other MF staff on mission.
  • Responsible for accompanying partners in procurement procedures and processes as needed.

Required Qualifications, Skills and Competencies

  • Bachelor required (Master level qualification recommended)
  • Progressive career with a minimum of 5 years in the financial/legal/administrative/logistics fields
  • Demonstrated experience providing administrative and financial support to NGO projects, preferably gained in different (international) organisations and/or a network setting
  • Proven skills in building and maintaining a culture of trust and fairness
  • Well-developed diplomatic skills (empathy, representation, negotiation)
  • Flexible and proven ability to adapt and respond to the changing environment 
  • High standards of integrity and confidentiality
  • Attention to detail
  • Accurate, problem solving and strong communication skills
  • Fluent in Ukrainian and advanced in English

What we offer

  • 1-year employment based on 40 hours per week, with possibility to extend
  • Full-time gross salary range of € 1560 – € 2400, depending on experience
  • 8% holiday allowance and 25 holiday days

How to apply

Please send your cover letter and CV in English to Brynn Campbell, Office Manager, at [email protected], by 23h59 CET, March 22nd 2023.

Start date: as soon as possible, in consultation with the selected candidate. Applications are considered on a rolling basis.

Останні публікації цього розділу:

Administrative assistant / Адміністративний/а асистент/ка (remote but based in Kyiv)

Експерт/ка з розробки комплексних пакетів підтримки при поверненні та влаштуванні у сімейні форми виховання дітей, які були евакуйовані за кордон у складі інтернатних закладів після повномасштабного вторгнення

Асистент/ка Координатора Проєкту та Радника з питань GESI

Медіа експерт/ка

Social Protection and TVET Expert - Project Stiykist (M/W) / Експерт/ка з питань соціального захисту та ПТО - Проект Стійкіст (М/Ж)

Вакансія: National Stress Counsellor