Графічний/на дизайнер/ка – Аналітик/иня (з візуалізації) в ПРООН / Graphics Designer (visualization) Analyst for UNDP


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Programme Officer

Graphics Designer (visualization) Analyst
Графічний/на дизайнер/ка – Аналітик/иня (з візуалізації) в ПРООН / Graphics Designer (visualization) Analyst for UNDP

The ongoing war in Ukraine has resulted in significant loss of life, devastating destruction of infrastructure and unprecedented displacement internally and towards neighbouring countries. To preserve development gains in Ukraine as fully as possible, mitigating risks of descent into protracted crisis, embedding activities for early recovery from the onset of the humanitarian effort, and facilitating swift return to pathways and processes for national attainment of the SDGs, UNDP Ukraine has developed the UNDP Resilience Building and Recovery Programme.

Under pillar 1 of the UNDP Resilience Building and Recovery Programme for Ukraine (i.e., Government Capacities for Crisis Response & Management / National Recovery and Development Plan and war damage assessment) UNDP in Ukraine established the project «Strengthening evidence-based recovery in Ukraine» to scale up the support for evidence-based recovery including development of tools, methodologies and technical standards through a) producing building damage assessments, to be applied in all affected communities b) strengthening the government capacities to coordinate and lead damage assessments and c) building a repository of relevant baseline and GIS datasets, from damage assessments and open sources including the use of a number of digital tools for Secondary Data Review, machine learning, and natural language processing, to inform the recovery efforts.

Under this project, UNDP established a Decision Support Unit (DSU) to drive and coordinate various assessments and data collection/analysis in a variety of areas, to inform future actions pertaining to the recovery efforts. In addition, UNDP signed a Memorandum of Understanding with The Ministry of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development to launch a building damage assessment (BDA) and support the development of GIS system.

Based on the above, UNDP Ukraine is seeking a qualified Graphics designer (visualization) Officer, who will join the Decision Support Unit and under the overall supervision of the Project Manager and will work on providing actionable analysis for UNDP Ukraine and national partners.

Requirements for candidates:

  • 15 years of experience in data visualization, producing infographics and interpreting data for reporting would be an asset
  • Excellent interpersonal skills,
  • Experience of working with data analysis, and visualization software products e.g., PowerBI, Tableau, STATA, D3 or similar would be a strong asset,
  • Strong theoretical and practical background in graphic design, including the use of design software such as Adobe Design Premium, In-Design, CorelDraw, or similar, Internet research skills, ability to handle and interpret data,
  • Relevant experience in data visualization, producing infographics and interpreting data for reporting would be an asset,
  • Excellent graphic design and creative skills,
  • Proficiency in design software,
  • Experience in development of statistics, charts, and social networking
  • Bachelor degree or equivalent in graphic design or any other related qualifications including art and design.
  • Ukrainian, Level: Fluent, Required
  • English, Level: Working knowledge, Required

You will have the opportunity to apply your talent while working for a noble cause. UN Volunteers receive a monthly living allowance (VLA), as well as life insurance and full health insurance.

This position comes with the following benefits and entitlements for UN Volunteers (National UN Volunteer Expert):

  • Monthly Volunteer Living Allowance (VLA) (equivalent in UAH): USD 2006
  • Medical and life insurance: Cigna Private Insurance
  • Annual leave: 30 days
  • Certified sick leave: 30 days annually
  • Uncertified sick leave: 7 days annually
  • Learning leave: 10 days annually

To apply for a vacancy, please first register on the UN Volunteers platform https://app.unv.org/ and send an application using this link: https://app.unv.org/opportunities/1726794694055168

The final date to apply is August 31 inclusive.

To learn more about becoming a UN Volunteer, visit www.unv.org

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