Графічний/на дизайнер/ка


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Графічний/на дизайнер/ка

Mission description

During Ukraine Recovery Conference in Lugano in July 2023, France has expressed the commitment to support Chernihiv region in terms of recovery and reconstruction processes. In the light of the decision, one of the priority projects within mAIDan programme will aim at support of Chernihiv region.

The Chernihiv region of Ukraine, which was hit hard by Russian bombings during the first weeks of the war, has strong old historical links with France, notably through Franco-Ukrainian technical cooperation. In July 2022, at the Lugano conference, France reiterated its commitment to supporting Ukraine through humanitarian, economic, financial, diplomatic and military aid and announced that it wished to concentrate its support on the Chernihiv region in terms of reconstruction by supporting several public and private initiatives.

In terms of decentralization, Ukraine made significant progress between 2015 and 2020, but territorial governance system is in the middle of the process with reforms initiated but not completed. In the Chernihiv region, regional and local development strategies for the period of 2021-2027 have been developed, but must be updated and adapted to the war context and the most urgent local needs. In the current situation, reconstruction needs remain very important and a priority for the Hromadas, particularly for road and connection infrastructure.

In short, the region is a concentration of current Ukrainian challenges: war and reconstruction, the need for a new balance in terms of territorial governance and the revitalization of areas that were already disadvantaged before the war.

The main goal of the project is to support « Support to the authorities in Chernihiv’s Region for reconstruction and decentralization » project is structured around three pillars:

  • Pillar 1: Reform (adapt the strategic documentations to the recovery context)
  • Pillar 2: Capacity building in the sectors: Mobility, Agriculture, Waste management, Culture & Heritage and Innovation (cross-sectoral)
  • Pillar 3: Reconstruction through partnership with French municipalities

The project will operate in the Chernihiv region in general and in particular in the following 7 hromadas and 1 rayon: Ichnia, Oster, Nova Basan, Novyi Bilous, Novgorod-Siverskiy, Pryluky, Semenivka.

The expected result of Pillar 1, Reform, is a review and alignment with the national guidelines of the strategic documents in terms of decentralization and local governance, at all levels of local governance.

The expected result of Pillar 2, Capacity Building, is a strengthening of the capacities of agents at the different regional and local administrative levels. Pillar 2 adopts a multi-sectoral approach (mobility, agriculture, waste management, culture and heritage, innovation). A large part of the sectoral intervention will consist of carrying out diagnostics and feasibility studies which will make it possible to constitute a solid base for the future projects.

The expected result of Pillar 3. Reconstruction, will consist of the mobilization of French municipalities in a peer-to-peer dialogue with Ukrainian local authorities as well as the purchase or subsidy of equipment for the benefit of the targeted hromadas. This pillar will allow the feedback of experiences, and the dissemination of the French territorial governance model.


1.     Purpose and objectives of the assignment 

The main objective of the assignment is to develop mapping materials for the Chernihiv Oblast Comprehensive Recovery Program (CRP).

The Complex Recovery Program outlines the primary spatial, urban planning, and socio-economic objectives of the recovery policy. It encompasses a range of measures aimed at revitalizing the affected territory within the region, that have endured the consequences of armed aggression against Ukraine or are focal points of social, economic, infrastructural, environmental, or other crises.

The provisions of the Complex Recovery Program of the oblast are components of the initial data for the development of Complex Recovery Programs of settlements (territories).

The assignment will support the work of the team of experts on CPR and facilitate the creation of a geospatial format for the available data and its mapping in multiple areas, functional zoning of territories, development of the general design-layout of cartographic materials as well as providing recommendations and proposals on the expediency of changing the functional purpose of certain territories of the region.


Specific assignment:



Estimated expert days

Analysis of the initial data. Converting the available statistical data of the Chernihiv Oblast Comprehensive Recovery Programme into a geospatial format. Geocoding of objects and spatial localisation of territories.

A database of vector source data was created for the development of cartographic materials.


Scanning and vectorisation of materials from the Chernihiv Oblast Territory Planning Scheme, in terms of functional zoning of territories

The existing materials of the scheme of Chernihiv Oblast territory planning were processed and prepared for use.


Development of the general design -layout of cartographic materials, data legend. Export of ready-made copies of cartographic materials in *pdf format

Ready-made layout of graphic design of cartographic drawing materials including legend of symbols. A set of cartographic materials in the format *pdf.


Development of the map scheme “Administrative and territorial division of the region”.

A map was developed that includes information on the administrative and territorial structure of the region.


Development of the map “Natural resource potential of the region”.

A mapping scheme was developed that includes information on the natural resource potential of the region (forests, swamps, marshes, agricultural land, reservoirs, rivers, lakes, natural habitats, natural minerals, the emerald network, etc.).

Development of the mapping scheme “Protected Areas of the Region”.


A mapping scheme has been developed that includes information about the region’s protected areas (territories and objects of national and local significance: monuments of landscape art, natural monuments, nature reserves, protected areas, arboretums, etc.)

Development of the map “Distribution and Structure of the Region’s Population”.

A mapping scheme was developed that includes information on the location and structure of the region’s population (gradation of settlements depending on the number of people, centres of decline or growth).

Development of the map “Location and Structure of Economic Centres”.

A mapping scheme was developed that includes information on the location and structure of economic centres (by type of industrial activity: food, light, chemical, printing, woodworking, etc.).

Development of the mapping scheme “Functional types of territories of the oblast (according to the SSRD)”.

A mapping scheme has been developed that includes information on the functional types of the region’s territories (according to the SSRD).

Development of the mapping scheme “Functional zoning of the region’s territory (according to the Regional Territory Planning Scheme)”.

A mapping scheme was developed that includes information on the functional zoning of the region’s territory (according to the Regional Planning Scheme).

Development of the map “Territories of the region that were occupied and territories where hostilities were conducted”.

A map has been developed that includes information on the territories that were occupied and the territories where hostilities were conducted, in accordance with the current Order No. 309 https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z1668-22#Text

Development of the mapping scheme “Network of social infrastructure facilities”

A mapping scheme has been developed that includes information on catering, healthcare, pre-school, educational, housing and communal facilities, and physical education and sports facilities.

Development of the mapping scheme “Transport infrastructure and mobility”

A mapping scheme has been developed that includes information on transport infrastructure and mobility (national and local roads, railways, bus and railway stations, and checkpoints).

Development of the map scheme “Tourist and recreational network”

A mapping scheme has been developed that includes information on the region’s tourist and recreational network (natural recreational and nature reserve areas, rivers, reservoirs, forests, historical, cultural and tourist sites, historical settlements, the emerald network, and tourist routes).

Development of the mapping scheme “Proposals on the expediency of changing the functional purpose of certain territories of the region, taking into account the existing buildings and available urban planning documentation”

A mapping scheme was developed that includes information on proposals to change the functional purpose of certain areas of the region, taking into account existing buildings and existing urban planning documentation

Correction of mapping materials based on the results of public discussions and comments from relevant departments and offices.

The comments of the public and relevant departments are reflected in the drawings.




42 expert days

Project or context description

Expertise France is the French international technical cooperation agency, with the status of public institution under the joint supervision of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the Ministries of Economics and Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty. It is the second largest technical cooperation agency in Europe. Expertise France designs and implements projects that strengthen public policies over the long term in developing and emerging countries.

As the French public agency for international technical cooperation, Expertise France operates in more than 100 countries, implementing more than 400 projects. The agency works in close collaboration with French public institutions, as well as with the European Union, in order to respond to the needs of partner countries that wish to improve public policies that tackle these challenges. To do so, the agency coordinates and implements national- or regional-scale projects in major areas of public action:


Ukraine is a key partner for Expertise France, which has had a local presence since 2006 with a representative office and projects. Over the years, Expertise France has built up a relationship of trust with its partner administrations.

Since the start of the of unjustified full-scale Russian invasion, Ukraine is daily suffering human losses as well as big-scale destruction and damages all across the country. According to the World Bank Recovery and Reconstruction Needs Assessment, the estimate cost of the recovery and reconstruction in Ukraine has grown to EUR 383 billion. Considering cost of the reconstruction, Ukraine would need mobilisation of both public and private funds.  

Ukraine’s need for support is of great scale and priority in the context of the ongoing war and starting to prepare for recovery processes. At the same time, Ukraine’s European and international partners are heavily mobilized to offer their support, both financial and technical in response to the growing needs of Ukraine.

In the response to the existing situation and challenges, France has launched a coordinated assistance to Ukraine. The mAIDan Ukraine program is a multisector technical assistance facility funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a part of the French support to Ukraine coordinated by the French Special Envoy for Ukraine Relief and Reconstruction. The program’s main objective is to identify needs and propose technical cooperation projects that support resilience, reconstruction, and the accession process in Ukraine.

Program sub-objectives include mobilisation of the technical solutions to meet the most urgent needs and initiate structuring cooperation, as well as financing or co-financing technical assistance projects during 2023-2026.

At this time, Expertise France is focusing its projects within following sectors:

-    Good governance

-    Economic governance

-    Rule of law and justice

-    Digitalisation and innovation

-    Healthcare and social policies

-    Security and defence policy.


The program may mobilize funding for other sectors if demand is expressed and the opportunity is

confirmed by Expertise France and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France.


Through a series of missions to Ukraine and starting program operations in Kyiv, Expertise France has

pre-identified the following specific projects:

-    Contributing to the selection of Constitutional Court of Ukraine judges through Pravo-Justice

-    Supporting Ukrainian start-ups through co-funding of the EU4InnovationEast project

-   Supporting local authorities in recovery and decentralization processes with a special focus on Chernihiv Oblast

As well as following activities:

-    Support to the non-lethal procurement of the defence agency of the Ministry of Defence

-    Support to the state-owned enterprises reform

Required profile

The contractor is required to have following set of expertise:

- at least 2 years of experience in developing graphic drawings for spatial and strategic planning documents

- experience in communication and work with public authorities

- skills in working with vector data processing software (e.g. Qgis, AutoCAD)

- knowledge of various methods of mapping and data visualization

- knowledge of mapping and data legendization

- understanding and knowledge of the peculiarities of the territory of Chernihiv region to be mapped

- ability to work in a team environment

Additional information

1.     Reporting

The contractor is responsible to provide the deliverables in Ukrainian in written form following the timeline agreed with Expertise France. A final report should be submitted by January 31st 2025. Expert will submit monthly key outputs achieved during the period.

2.     Timeframe of the contract

The assignment implementation is expected during the period of September 16th 2024 – January 31st 2025. The timeline is a subject to discussion/modification based on the Expert’s agreement with Expertise France based on availability of Ukrainian and international stakeholders with whom coordination is required to develop a properly scoped and defined plan.

Selection criteria for applications

The selection process for candidates will be based on the following criteria :

  • Candidate’s skills linked with the expert mission

Deadline for application : 2024/09/11 23:55

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